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Friday, January 31, 2020

Whatever I Need More of, Give It Away

In review of 2 Corinthians 9:6 I'm reminded to “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously” (NIV).

Often people hesitate to give generously to God because they worry about having enough left over to meet their own needs. In this passage Paul assured the Corinthians that God was able to meet their needs. The person who gives only a little will receive only a little in return. I shouldn’t let a lack of faith keep me from giving cheerfully and generously. My attitude in giving is more important than the amount given. God is concerned about how I give from my resources. God himself is a cheerful giver. Consider all he has done for me. He is pleased when I, who was created in his image, give generously and joyfully as well. When I have a difficult time letting go, it may reflect ungratefulness to God. God gives me resources to use and invest for him. The resources I'm given are to not be hidden, foolishly devoured, or thrown away. Rather, they are to be cultivated in order to produce more crops. When I invest what God has given me in his work, he will provide me with even more to give in his service.

If I sow criticism, I’ll reap criticism? If I sow kindness, I’ll reap kindness. If I sow generosity, I’ll reap generosity. If I sow energy, I’ll reap energy. What I sow is what I reap. This is the principle of sowing and reaping.

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:6-8 NIV).

Every farmer knows this principle. If a farmer has four sacks of seed in his barn and looks at his barren field, he doesn’t start griping, “There’s no crop—I wish there was a crop!” He just goes out and starts planting seed. That seed then reproduces, and the farmer gets more than he had when he started.

Likewise when I have a need, plant a seed. The only way the farmer gets anything out of the seed is by planting it. If he holds on to it, then that’s all he’ll ever have. But if he lets it go, it multiplies.

This principle of sowing and reaping is true with everything in my life! It may seem illogical that when I have a need, than I need to give. That’s why it requires faith.

God set it up that way because He is a giver. He is the most generous giver in the universe, and he wants me to learn to be like him. If I don’t learn to be generous and I’m always worrying about what I’ve got rather than giving it away, I’ll never be like Christ.

God says that he’ll reward me when I choose to be like him and give generously: “Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back” (Luke 6:38 NLT).

If I hoard my money, that will be all I’ve got. But when I give it away, God multiplies it in ways that bless me and bring him glory.

In summary, whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Give a little only receive a little. Don't let a lack of faith keep from giving cheerfully and generously. My attitude is more important than the amount. God gives me resources to use and invest for him. I'm not to hide them, or foolishly devour them, or throw them away. They are to be cultivated to produce more. When I invest what he gave into my work, he will provide me with more for his service. So when I have a need, I need to plant a seed. It will require faith. When I give it away, God multiplies it in ways that bless me and bring him glory.

As I reflect on this today, what comes to mind is my time. I’m busy, but am I busy with the right things that are investments in what would further his Kingdom? There are a lot of things that need to be done in my work life. I need to consider that I”m not the only one who can provide it. I need to learn to en-trust and delegate it to others. I need to concentrate on relationships and not tasks. 

I pray Father that through your help, encouragement and presence of your Spirit within me that you help guide my thoughts to give away the things I want to have more of. I also ask for your wisdom and guidance for my day, my work, my leadership and my interactions with others. These things I ask through your Son Jesus name, Amen.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Why ‘Just a Little More’ Will Never Make Me Happy

In review of 1 Timothy 6:6-7 it says,  Godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it” (NIV).

I should honor God and center my desires on him, and be content with what God is doing in my life. Most believe that money brings happiness and pursue it. Paul provides some guidelines that can help me away for the love of money. 1). Realize that one day riches will all be gone. 2). Be content with what I have. 3). Monitor what I'm willing to do to get more money. 4). Love people more than money. 5). Love God's work more than money. 6). Freely share what I have with others.

God is far more interested in my character than my comfort. He wants me to grow up and become more like Jesus. His focus is on my attitude, not on making my life easier. He’s watching to see if I think having more will make me happier or if I’ve learned to be content with what he has provided for me.

When I learn to be content, I’m believing that God knows what I need better than I do and trusting that he will give me the necessary wisdom to make good financial decisions.

Most people get caught into “when” thinking: “When I get this, then I’ll be happy.” When you get a certain job, when you retire, when you get the house paid off, when all the bills are paid—and on and on.

But God knows that if I’m not content already, I’ll always want something else when I get there. Somebody supposedly once asked billionaire Howard Hughes how much it takes to be happy, and he said, “Just a little more.”

I can spend my entire life focused on money, trying to make it, earn it, save it, spend it, and use it. So God uses finances as the acid test of how much I trust him. When I have a need, he wants me to ask and learn to be content so that my happiness doesn’t depend on how much or how little I’ve got.

Contentment is not something that comes naturally for anyone. It’s something I have to practice every day. I have to remind myself that God is taking care of me and will provide everything I need. I have to choose to love and appreciate what I already have.

If I don’t learn contentment, I’ll always want more. But once I learn to be content, I’ll find joy greater than anything on earth could provide.

This morning Father I pray that remember to be content with what I have. When I need to ask you and learn to be happy serving others and you. I ask for wisdom for my day, my tasks, my listening, my leadership and my interaction with others. This things I pray in your Son Jesus Name, Amen.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

If I Need Help, God Is Just Waiting for Me to Ask

In review of Matthew 7:7 I'm reminded to Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (NIV).

Jesus tells me to persist in pursuing God. Some give up after a few halfhearted efforts and conclude that God cannot be found. But knowing God takes faith, focus, and follow-through, and Jesus assures me that I will be rewarded. Continue to ask him for more knowledge, patience, wisdom, love, and understanding. He will give them to me. But keep in mind God knows what I'm praying for and may not give me what I ask for, even though I may persist in my prayers. For God will never give me "stones" or "snakes" instead of what I need. As I learn to know God better as a loving Father, I'll learn to ask for the things that are good for me.

God never closes his storehouse until I close my mouth and stop asking.

God wants to help, but if I never ask, that’s a problem. The last time you needed something, like a car, did I ask God for it, or did I just go out and buy it? Before I decided on the best way to do something, did I ask God for wisdom? When I need help in a relationship, do I pray about it first?

Jesus says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7 NIV).

When I need God’s help, remember to ASK: ask, seek, and knock. God spells it out in this verse three ways so that I’ll get the message. I may never see miracles because I’ve never asked for them. If I want to see God work in my life more, start asking!

One of God’s principles for my finances is that before I pay for it, pray for it. Stop and ask God. Give God a chance to give it to me before I go out and charge it. If I’m depending more on my credit card than on Jesus Christ, then I’m not going to get God’s blessing on my finances. He wants me to pray about it before I pay for it so that I will have his wisdom and make a decision that pleases him.

God wants me to ask for things in prayer because he’s a loving Father. Like any father who loves to give his kids good things, God loves to bestow gifts on his children. He’s just waiting for me to ask.

You have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy will be the fullest possible joy” (John 16:24 NCV).

God wants me to ask so he can give. He wants to give so I can receive. He wants me to receive so I’ll be full of joy. He wants me to be full of joy because it’s a great advertisement for Jesus Christ. Joyful Christians show the world that following Jesus and doing what he commands brings joy, not dread.

In summary, ask and it will be given, seek and find, knock and the door will be opened. Persist in pursuing God. It will take faith, focus, and follow-through. Ask for knowledge, patience, wisdom, love and understanding. God will not give me what is bad for me. I need to learn to ask for things that are good for me. God won't close his storehouse until I stop asking. Remember to ASK: ask, seek and knock. Also before I pay for it, I should pray for it. Give God a chance to give it to me before I go out and charge it. Don't depend on credit more than Christ. He wants me to pray about it before I pay for it so that I will have his wisdom and make a decision that pleases him. He's just waiting for me to ask. He wants to give so I can receive and be full of joy. Being full of joy is a great advertisement for Jesus Christ. 

As I reflect on this verse and the truth in it, it brings to mind things that I had prayed about in the past that I believe God is now bringing to fulfilment. It may not be the way I thought it might be, but it is the relief I had been working for. My part is to follow, trust and believe that you God will work in my best interest. 

Today I pray Father for clarity on what is happening now and in particular today. I pray that actions that come about help bless those on my team and not be seen as a deterrent or a negative. Allow me to help guide those who report to me. I ask that your Spirit to remind me to pray before I pay, especially on larger purchases or decisions. I ask today for your wisdom and guidance for my day, my work, my leadership and my interaction with others. I pray these things through your Son Jesus name, Amen.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

If I Can Be Trusted with Little, God Will Trust Me with More

In review of Luke 16:10 it tells me, Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much” (NIV).

I am to make wise use of the financial opportunities I have, not to earn heaven but to help others find Christ. If I use my money to help those in need or to help others find Christ, my earthly investment will bring eternal benefit. When I obey God's will, the unselfish use of possessions will follow. However, my integrity is often put on the line in money matters. God calls me to be honest even in the small details that I could easily ignore. For Heaven's riches are for more valuable than earthly wealth. But If I am not trustworthy with my money here (no matter how much or how little I have), I will be unfit to hand the vast riches of God's Kingdom. I need to see that I maintain my integrity in all matters, whether big or small.

This morning I consider if I'm using my money in such a way that God says, “He wants to give me more”? Am I using my time that way? How about my influence? This principle applies to every area of my life.

Here’s what Jesus tells me: “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much” (Luke 16:10 NIV).

If God has given me just a little bit of talent, I can still faithfully use it for God’s purposes. Don’t think, “I’m not a superstar, so I won’t do anything.” If I use what little talent I’ve got, then God will increase my talent.

If I’ve got just a little bit of influence but I use that influence for good and for God, then God will increase my influence. If I’ve just got a little bit of money but I use it wisely, the way God wants me to use it, then God will increase my material possessions. It’s true of opportunities; it’s true of net worth, it’s true of everything in life.

Jesus said, “To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance” (Matthew 25:29 NLT). To have that abundance in every area of my life, I’ve got to use what I’ve been given for the good of others and for God’s Kingdom.

Faithfulness in little ways produces fruitfulness in big ways. Don’t think, When I make it big, then I’ll really become generous. When I make more money, then I’m going to start tithing.

God has given me everything I need right now to be faithful to him and his purpose for my life.

If I want God’s blessing on my life, do it God’s way. Start managing well what God has given me, and then God can trust me with more.

In summary, if I can be trusted with little,, I can be trusted with much, but if I am dishonest with little, I'll be dishonest with much.  So make wise use of what I've been given to help others find Christ. My integrity is often put on the line in money matters. God calls me to be honest even in the small details that are often easy to ignore. I need to maintain my integrity in a matters, big or small. Jesus says, "to those who use well what they are given, even more will be given." God has given me everything I need right now to be faithful to him and his purpose for my life. I just need to make sure that I'm managing well what God has given me, then God can trust me with more.  

A thought occurred to me this morning while looking at this passage. How much more abundance, riches or job advancement / recognition do I really need. I shouldn’t strive for getting more but for handling well what I have been given. I don’t need more, but just need to steward what I do have. 

This morning Father I pray that your Spirit within me will continue to remind me with the right perspective. Help me to think about how I’m handling what you have already have given me, especially in light of introducing and help others to have a relationship with you. I pray for wisdom and guidance for my day, my work, my leadership and my interactions with others. These things I pray in your Son Jesus name, Amen.

Monday, January 27, 2020

What to Do To Hear ‘Well Done’ By My Father

In review of Romans 14:12 today, I read Each of us will give an account of ourselves to God” (NIV).

Ultimately, everyone will be accountable to Christ, and not to others. Therefore I must be uncompromising in my stand against activities that are expressly forbidden by His Word (adultery, homosexual activity, murder, and theft). Do not create additional rules and regulations giving them equal standing with God's law. Do not base my moral judgments on opinion, personal dislikes, or cultural bias but rather on the Word of God. For If I do, then I'll showing that my own faith is weak, and not thinking that God is powerful enough to guide his children. When I stand before God and give a personal account of my life, I won't worry about what others have done.

One day there’s going to be an audit on my life. On that day, I’ll have to answer for not only how I spent your money but also how I used everything God gave me. What did I do with what I was given such as my talent, relationships, opportunities, mind, creativity, contacts, and time? What did I do with what God gave me?

God’s church is filled with people at every level of economic status, people who are very poor, others who are very rich, and everyone in between. But it doesn’t matter how much or how little I have. What matters is what I do with what I’ve been given and if God can trust me with more.

My time as a manager on earth is going to end one day, and I will give an account for what was entrusted to me. The Bible says, “Each of us will give an account of ourselves to God” (Romans 14:12 NIV).

I’m not going to live on earth forever. I was never meant to! But God has entrusted certain assets to me as a manager while I’m here. He is watching me and testing me and wants to see how I handle what I’ve been given.

What are I doing with the mind he gave me? What am I doing with the health he gave me? What am I doing with the freedom he gave me? Am I spending it all on myself? Do I believe the whole purpose of life is to live for myself?

I can decide what I want my life to be about, and then start making choices that show God I want to live for what really matters. When I use my resources to make an eternal difference, I will hear God say to me someday, “Well done.”

In summary, everyone will give an account of ourselves to God. Therefore I need to be uncompromising in my stand against activities that are expressly forbidden by his Word. Also, I should not create additional rules and regulations and give them equal standing with God's. I should also not base my moral judgments on opinion, dislikes, or cultural bias, but rather on the Word of God. When I stand before God and give a personal account of my life, I will not need to worry about what others have done. It doesn't matter how much or how little I have. What matters is what I do with what I've been given and if God can trust me with more. God has entrusted me with certain assets to manage while I'm here. He's watching, testing and wants to see how I handle them. I can decide what I want my life to be about. When I use the resources he's given me to make an eternal difference, I will hear God say to me, Well Done.

Father this morning, I thank you for the reminder that I am a steward here on earth. What you have given me is to be used to make an eternal difference. I pray this morning that I keep this perspective in mind and allow it to shape my thoughts, thinking and actions. I pray also for your wisdom and guidance for my day and for my activities, my leadership and my interactions with others. These things I pray in your Son Jesus name, Amen.