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Monday, January 27, 2020

What to Do To Hear ‘Well Done’ By My Father

In review of Romans 14:12 today, I read Each of us will give an account of ourselves to God” (NIV).

Ultimately, everyone will be accountable to Christ, and not to others. Therefore I must be uncompromising in my stand against activities that are expressly forbidden by His Word (adultery, homosexual activity, murder, and theft). Do not create additional rules and regulations giving them equal standing with God's law. Do not base my moral judgments on opinion, personal dislikes, or cultural bias but rather on the Word of God. For If I do, then I'll showing that my own faith is weak, and not thinking that God is powerful enough to guide his children. When I stand before God and give a personal account of my life, I won't worry about what others have done.

One day there’s going to be an audit on my life. On that day, I’ll have to answer for not only how I spent your money but also how I used everything God gave me. What did I do with what I was given such as my talent, relationships, opportunities, mind, creativity, contacts, and time? What did I do with what God gave me?

God’s church is filled with people at every level of economic status, people who are very poor, others who are very rich, and everyone in between. But it doesn’t matter how much or how little I have. What matters is what I do with what I’ve been given and if God can trust me with more.

My time as a manager on earth is going to end one day, and I will give an account for what was entrusted to me. The Bible says, “Each of us will give an account of ourselves to God” (Romans 14:12 NIV).

I’m not going to live on earth forever. I was never meant to! But God has entrusted certain assets to me as a manager while I’m here. He is watching me and testing me and wants to see how I handle what I’ve been given.

What are I doing with the mind he gave me? What am I doing with the health he gave me? What am I doing with the freedom he gave me? Am I spending it all on myself? Do I believe the whole purpose of life is to live for myself?

I can decide what I want my life to be about, and then start making choices that show God I want to live for what really matters. When I use my resources to make an eternal difference, I will hear God say to me someday, “Well done.”

In summary, everyone will give an account of ourselves to God. Therefore I need to be uncompromising in my stand against activities that are expressly forbidden by his Word. Also, I should not create additional rules and regulations and give them equal standing with God's. I should also not base my moral judgments on opinion, dislikes, or cultural bias, but rather on the Word of God. When I stand before God and give a personal account of my life, I will not need to worry about what others have done. It doesn't matter how much or how little I have. What matters is what I do with what I've been given and if God can trust me with more. God has entrusted me with certain assets to manage while I'm here. He's watching, testing and wants to see how I handle them. I can decide what I want my life to be about. When I use the resources he's given me to make an eternal difference, I will hear God say to me, Well Done.

Father this morning, I thank you for the reminder that I am a steward here on earth. What you have given me is to be used to make an eternal difference. I pray this morning that I keep this perspective in mind and allow it to shape my thoughts, thinking and actions. I pray also for your wisdom and guidance for my day and for my activities, my leadership and my interactions with others. These things I pray in your Son Jesus name, Amen.