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Thursday, January 9, 2020

Gossip Destroys Integrity

In review of Proverbs 11:13 this morning, I read A gossiper can’t be trusted with a secret, but someone of integrity won’t violate a confidence” (The Message).

Someone who gossips cannot really be trusted with secrets. Confidence can be found in someone who is trustworthy.

My relationships are one of the primary ways I can demonstrate integrity. Relational integrity means that I don’t talk one way about people in front of them and a different way behind their backs. In other words, I don’t gossip

Gossip is talking about a situation with someone who is neither the problem nor a part of the solution. Often, it takes place because gossip makes someone feel a bit more important at someone else’s expense. I’d be talking about their hurts and their problems to make ourselves feel like we’re morally superior. That’s the danger and the hurt of gossip.

God Word indicates that if I’m acting as a gossip, then I can’t be trusted. Today, gossip runs rampant on social media. What’s needed is men and women of integrity who know how to keep a confidence and not spread everything they hear through idle chatter, IM’s, e-mails, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and all the other channels used to communicate today.

Gossip, whether it’s on social media or in person, will tear organizations apart. Furthermore, God says, “Anyone who spreads gossip is a fool” (Proverbs 10:18 GNT).

In addition spreading gossip doesn’t just hurt the people I’m talking about. It will also hurt myself by weakening and destroying relationships.

I demonstrate integrity when I can be trusted to keep a confidence and to not speak behind someone’s back.

In summary, someone who gossips can't be trusted. A person of integrity won't violate a confidence. Relationships are one of the primary ways I can demonstrate integrity. It means that I don't talk one way about people in front of them and a different way behind their backs. What's needed is to be able to keep a confidence and not spread everything I hear. Being a gossiper will only weaken and destroy my relationships.

Father this morning I ask your Spirit in me to help me see situations where I may be tempted to gossip. Help remind me to maintain integrity. Help to speak only words of encouragement and that which is helpful. Today I continue my commitment to live with integrity and to make a difference in the lives of others. I ask for you to provide wisdom for my day, my tasks, my conversations and my leadership. I pray these things through your Son Jesus name, Amen.