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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

God Is Looking for My Availability

In review of 2 Chronicles 16:9a, “The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” (NLT)

This verse reminds me that God looks for those whose hearts are fully committed to him, to give them the strength they need. It is not a sin to use human means to solve our problems, however it is sin to trust in them more than in God, to think they are better than God's ways, or to leave God completely out of the problem-solving process.

Most people get to watch history; very few get to make it. However I’m reminded this morning that I can be one of those few history-makers. 

Thousands of years before I was born, God knew I’d be where I am right now. He knew I’d be studying this verse and reading this devotional. It’s because God has something special, something unique in store for me.

So, I’m not sitting where I am by accident. I haven’t had the experiences in my life thus far by chance. God designed my life to make a difference in the world.

No matter where I’ve been, what I’m afraid of, or what sin is in my past, God can still use me to make a difference in this world. What he’s looking for is a total commitment to him. God wants me to be all in on his plan for me.

It’s not about my ability; rather it’s about my availability.

If I can say, “I’m all in”, no matter what God asks, or how tough it is, anytime, anywhere, and anyplace,” God will do amazing things. His Word tells me he is looking for people to use to change the world. He is looking to me—yes, me—to be someone to help change the world.

It all starts with a committed heart on my part. I can start today. I just need to let God know that I’m committed to doing whatever he wants with my life, whenever he wants to use it, then ask him to use me.

In summary, God looks for those whose hearts are fully committed to him to provide the strength they need to do his will. I shouldn't rely on human means over God to solve my problems. God has something special and unique in mind for me. He designed me to make a difference in the world. To use me, he is looking for total commitment on my part, to be all in on his plan for me. It's not about any of my abilities. It's more about my availability to be used by him, no matter what he asks, or how tough it may be, just to be available anytime, anywhere and any place. I just need to commit myself so that he can use me.

As I reflect on this, it’s scary as I don’t really know what he’ll ask me to do. However, based on what I know of him, he would want me to be observant and listen to his promptings. Being available at anytime can be inconvenient. It seems these times come not when I’m ready but when I’m already occupied by something else or have a time commitment to keep. 

This morning Father I pray and commit myself to your plans and your promptings. Ultimately I want to make a difference in the lives of others, it to do so means that I commit myself to you to be used. I also need to trust you with what will happen in the future at work. You have a plan for me, and I just need to continue to do my best to help my organization and those who work for me. I know you will take care of me when I follow and trust in you. I also ask for wisdom and guidance for my day, my work, my leadership and my interactions with others. Help me to think clearly and finish up the estimates I need to provide to my leader for the POAMS. These things I pray through your Son Jesus name, Amen.