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Friday, August 10, 2018

Shortcuts Will Only Get Me Off Track

In review of Proverbs 4:20-22 it says, “Listen carefully to my words. Don’t lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body” (NLT).

Today’s passage is from Proverbs 4:20-22. In it I am instructed to pay attention and listen closely to what wisdoms says. Don't forget, lose sight or let what wisdoms say get away from you. Let it penetrate deep into my heart, and keep them close in mind. For they provide the key to life, and bring healing and health.

One of the pitfalls I may face as I fulfill my purpose in life is the temptation to take shortcuts. However, these shortcuts will only get me off track. The shortcuts may be moral, ethical, spiritual, financial, or even relational. But they will distract me from what God wants me to do in life, eventually eating up my time, energy, resources, and creativity.

Shortcuts are always short sighted. God wants me to stop being “absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective” (Colossians 3:2 The Message).

Let God’s Word “penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body” (Proverbs 4:21-22 NLT).

Bottom Line:
Listen carefully, don’t lose sight. Absorb them into your life.

What this means to me:
I’m to pay attention and focus on what wisdom says. Don’t forget it, keep it close. It’s the key to life.

In summary, I'm to pay attention and listen closely. Don't forget about them. Let them penetrate deep into my life, they are key to success. Be aware of the temptations to take shortcuts as they will only distract me from what God wants for me. Be alert, see things from His perspective.

Father, today I thank you for the wisdom that is being passed onto me by the various speakers in yesterday’s GLS. Several things have already tugged on my heart. I need to not be so task focused. I need to spend more time with my team. Get to know them and their desires. Let them know that I recognize them and that how what they do makes a big difference in our teams overall goals. Also, as I come across failures, help me to not get beat up about them, but rather use them as experiences to learn and make improvements from. These things I pray in your Son Jesus name, Amen!