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Friday, August 24, 2018

Being Afraid of Making the Wrong Decision

In review of Psalm 23:3 it says, “He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake” (NIV).

Today’s verse is from Psalm 23 where David explains to me how God is a caring shepherd and a dependable guide. It is wise for me to follow and obey his commands. He is my only hope for eternal life and security.

In verse 3, David explains how the Lord gives him new strength, and guides us in the right paths. What Psalms 23 reminds me is that the Lord is my good and great shepherd, and I am one of his sheep -- not a frightened passive animal, but an obedient follower, wise enough to follow one who will lead me in the right places and in right ways. When I choose to allow the Lord to be my shepherd, to guide me, I have contentment. Not listening to him or rebelling against his leadership is actually rebelling against my own best interest. The Lord, the perfect shepherd and host, promises to guide and protect me throughout my life and welcomes me as a special guest in his "house" forever.

Often I can be afraid of making the wrong decision, and that creates stress. Often I face a decision about major issues: “Should I hold on, or should I let go?” “Should I get in, or should I get out?” “Should I ?”

When I can’t make up my mind, I end up staggering through life. In fact, the Bible says in James 1 that when we remain double-minded, we become unstable in everything we do. The Greek word for unstable literally means “stagger like a drunk.”

But God says there is an antidote to my indecision. Psalm 23:3 tells us, “He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake” (NIV). I can handle the stress of decision-making by letting God guide me. He wants me to know his will more than I want to know it. My problem is I often look for the wrong thing when we’re trying to find it.

For example, I may look for a feeling, to be swept off my feet by some emotion so I can say, “That’s how I know what God’s will is!” Or I want a methodical approach to God’s will. I want somebody to give me a recipe or a formula to follow. I can even take a magical approach to God’s will, looking for God to do some fantastic sign; write it in the sky, call us on the phone, send us an email.

All of these ways lead to frustration and cause me to miss God’s will. God’s will is not a feeling or a formula or something he wants me to be frustrated or fearful about.

God does not want me confused, and he doesn't want me stressed over making any decision. He is there, and will guide me every step of the way. In Proverbs 3:5-8, I’m reminded to “trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding. Acknowledge him and he will make my paths straight.”

Bottom Line:
He refreshes me and guides me in a way that honors him.

What this means to me:
He gives me new strength. He guides me in the right path to do what honors him the most.

In summary, God is a caring shepherd and a dependable guide. He will give me strength and guidance in the right path to take, one that will honor him. I choose to follow him not as a frightened passive animal, but as an obedient follower, wise enough to let him lead and guide me.Truly following him will provide contentment, not listening will actually be counterproductive to my own interests. I should avoid being double-minded and unstable. As I look to follow him, I need to make sure I'm not looking for the wrong thing or response. God's will is not a feeling, formula or something he wants me to be frustrated or fearful about.

I admit that I find myself afraid of making a decision. Today's’ verse reminds me that the Lord is here to guide me, I just need to ask. Unfortunately I don’t always go to him with things in my work life. This morning Father I pray that with the help of the Holy Spirit within me that going to you should be my default action rather than an afterthought. I do ask you for you wisdom and guidance to handle activities that surround me. Help me to interact with others in a loving and caring manner. Also, Father I pray for your guidance in the investigation I have been asked to participate in. At this point, I don’t know what it’s about, but you do. I want to trust you and ask for your protection if I need it. Allow me wisdom, insight, patience and calmness. These things I pray in your Son Jesus name, amen!