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Thursday, August 16, 2018

Choosing to Change

In review of Ephesians 4:22 it says, “Throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception” (NLT).

Today’s verse is from Ephesians 4:22-24 which says that I am to throw off my old sinful nature and my former way of life, which was corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew my thoughts and attitudes. Choose to put on a new nature, one created to be like God, truly righteous and holy.

My old way of life before I believe in Christ is now completely in the past. I should put it behind me like old clothes to be discarded. My decision to accept Christ's gift of salvation was both a once-for-all-time decision as well as a daily conscious commitment that I need to continually make. I shouldn't allow myself to be driven by desire or impulse. Daily I must put on my new nature, head in a new direction, and have a new way of thinking that is fueled by the Holy Spirit.

Change requires making choices. It’s not enough to dream of changing. It’s not enough to desire change. In order for me to change, I will need to make a decision. A choice to change.

Change is also intentional. Am I going to be any different in six months or a year from now? Am I going to be healthier, stronger, and more mature? Am I going to be more like God wants me to be?

It will only happen if I choose to change, because it isn’t going to happen accidentally. It requires a choice.

I believe there are times where I think I’m waiting on God to change me. However, God is waiting on me. He’s waiting on me to say, “Yes, Lord, I’m willing to make these changes.”

I need to make intentional choices in order to grow. There is no growth without change, there is no change without loss, and there is no loss without pain. If I’m going to grow, I will have to change, and change means I let go of some old things in order to grab hold of some new things.

Today’s verse reminds me to, “Throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life” (Ephesians 4:22 NLT). Let go of those old habits, those old hurts, those old patterns, those old sins. The Bible says to throw them off and trust that God is working in meto will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” (Philippians 2:13 NIV).

Bottom Line:
Get rid of your old sinful nature and corrupted ways of living.

What this means to me:
I must make the choice to get rid myself of my old ways, which were corrupted by lust and deception.

In summary, I need to make a choice to be different, to leave behind my and the worlds corrupted ways. Choose to let the Spirit and God's Word to renew my thoughts and attitudes. It's a decision and commitment I need to make each day. Make the choice to leave my old ways and trust that God will work in me to fulfill his purposes

This notion of choosing to change is more than my personal character. This same principle works in my work life. It’s somewhat crazy to think that things will just change with minimal adjustments on my side. I need to be intentional about moving forward with changes I know need to be put into place to further our operational excellence. Today Father, I pray for your wisdom and guidance in putting this into practice amidst the constant pressure of task that need to be worked on. Also, I seem to be facing the tyranny of the urgent. I need to your assistance Father to help me break free and plan times for the important things. I also ask again for your wisdom and guidance in how I interact with others. Father also as opportunities come up, I will trust that your will for me will be done. These things I ask and pray in your Son Jesus name, Amen!