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Thursday, July 11, 2019

Exploring What Righteousness Means

In review of Romans 1:17, it tells how “The Good News shows how God makes people right with himself” (NCV).

Romans 1:17 
The Good News tells me how God makes me right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.”

The Good News shows me both; how righteous God is in his plan for me to be saved, and also how I may be make fit for eternal life. By trusting Christ, my relationship with God is made right. God declares me to be righteous by faith and this faith alone. As I trust God, I am saved; I have life both now and forever.

Righteousness is a big word in the Bible. It’s used lots of times. The Bible says that God loves righteousness and that God is righteous. It says that one day God is going to judge the world in righteousness. Psalm 23 says that God leads us in the paths of righteousness.

So what does this word mean? It comes down to two things: Righteousness is a relationship and it's a lifestyle.

Righteousness simply means being right with God. The Good News is that God made me right with himself through Jesus’ death as a payment for my sins. Because of Jesus’ death, I can have a personal relationship with God.

Righteousness is also a lifestyle. It means living right as God intends. The Bible says in 1 John 2:29, “All who practice righteousness are God’s true children” (The Message).

So why should I care about being right with God? Because it’s the only way to live, and it’s the only way to heaven.

When I’m disconnected from God, I’m not really living; I just exist. Most people in the world aren’t really fully alive. They just exist, trying to make it to the weekend. But to be disconnected from my Creator who made me for a purpose is nonsense.

Life is not about the acquisition of things or the achievement of goals. Life is about getting to know God, the one who loves me and made me for a purpose. I’m not really living until I’m right with God and have a relationship with him.

Righteousness is also the way I get to heaven. God created heaven as a place for his children whom he loves, and he wants me to be with him forever. He wants me to be in heaven, but he’s not going to force me to go there. I can choose to be disconnected from God here on earth, but when this life on earth is done, I wouldn’t have a second chance to choose where I’ll spend eternity.

I won’t be able to blame God, because he gives me the choice right now to have a relationship with him. He wants me to choose to love him! And when I do, I’ll be made right with him. It will change life, here on earth and for eternity!

Bottom Line:
The Good News shows us how God makes us right through our faith.

What this means to me:
The Good News shows me how God makes me right with himself. Its through my faith.

In summary, the Good News tells me how God makes me right in his sight. This is through my faith in him. As I trust God, I am saved. Righteousness comes down to two things. It's a relationship and a lifestyle. Righteousness simply means being right with God. God made me right with himself through Jesus' death as payment for my sins. Righteousness is also a lifestyle and means living as God intended. Life is not about the acquisition of things or the achievement of goals. It's about getting to know God and having a relationship with him. I have a choice here on earth. To have or not have a relationship with him. He wants me to choose to love him. When I do, I'll be made right with him and will change my life here and in eternity.

Today’s study is a reminder of how I need to choose to have a relationship with God. Get to know him and his character and then to trust him for what I need and for his guidance. This morning I pray for his wisdom and guidance for my day. Allow me to be calm, listen, ask appropriate questions and not be defensive. I ask for you and your Spirit to help me with clarity and planning for the next steps. Help me to lead my team and react appropriately to others. I pray this in your Son Jesus name, amen.