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Friday, August 31, 2012

Letting Go Of Discouragement and Doubt

In summary of Joshua 1:9 it says, “Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Bottom Line:
This is my command, be strong and courageous.  To not be afraid or discouraged.  God will be with you wherever you go.

What this means to me:
God has told me that he will be with me to help me wherever I go.  He commands me to be strong and courageous, and to never be afraid or discouraged.  God reminds of this and even commands to be strong and courageous because he knows that doubt on my part is one of the single greatest enemy of have regarding confidence which will limit my potential.  Doubt can cause me to procrastinate (which is one of my default actions) and cause me to miss God’s best.  There are also two other things that rob my confidence resulting in doubt:  
1.  Comparing myself to others.  I need to remind myself that I should never go there.  God has made me unique and not to be like someone else.  Comparison is bad, because I can always find someone who’s doing a better job - leading to discouragement on my part, or someone who is worse than me, which would possibly cause me to be filled with pride.  
2.  Dwelling on my past failures.  God can use me even given my past.   I should not waste time dwelling on them.  
So it doesn't matter where I’ve been. What matters is the direction my feet are headed right now.  Today I will take any doubt and choose not to believe it.  I’ll keep in mind today that God wants to use me for a purpose.  I will not let doubt or lack of confidence keep me from doing what He wants me to do.