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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Having Confidence In God

In summary of Philippians 4:13 it says, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”

Bottom Line:
Christ gives us the strength needed to face anything I can come up against.

What this means to me:
Christ gives me the strength I need to face anything that comes my way.  I can be self sufficient because of his sufficiency.  I can learn to be confident in God’s unlimited compassion and power and to let go of any confidence in myself.  Standing on my own leaves me on an uncertain foundation and no matter how confident I am in myself, eventually things will happen to wash away my own self confidence.  But having my confidence in God, I can know that I will always be able to approach God’s throne of grace with confidence; In it I will always find his mercy and grace to help in my time of need.  His love and acceptance is always there.  So today I will consider anything that I’m hesitating on moving forward with.  I will then switch my confidence to him and know that he can do anything through my life if I let him.