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Monday, June 28, 2021

It’s All About God

In Romans 11:36 I read, “For everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory.” (TLB)

It’s not about me. It’s all about God. Those two go together. The reason it’s not about me is because it’s all about God.

Until I fully understand this, life is not going to make sense. The goal of my life should not be pleasure, possessions, prestige, politics, power, or popularity. It’s not anything that the world values. The goal of my life should be to show the glory of God.

Romans 11:36 says, “For everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory” (TLB). Everything on the planet and in the universe was created for God’s glory.

What’s the implication of that?

If it’s all about God and it’s not all about you, or about making money or being popular or any of those other things the world thinks are important, then the implication is that loving God is your first priority. Jesus said it like this: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. This is the first and greatest commandment” (Matthew 22:37-38 TLB).

Nothing tops this truth! If I miss this, I’ve wasted my life. The most important thing in life is to love and get to know the God who created me.

To do so, continue reading his Word, the Bible. It’s not always the easy choice to make time for Bible study / quiet time, but when I do, I’ll learn more about God and find my love for him deepened. And, as I start to understand that my life is about God, and not myself, I’ll find more joy in the pursuit of him.

In summary, everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory. So it’s not about me. It’s all about God. Until I fully understand this, life is not going to make sense. The goal of my life should not be pleasure, possessions, prestige, politics, power, or popularity. It’s not anything that the world values. The goal of my life should be to show the glory of God. If it’s all about God the implication is that loving God is your first priority. Nothing tops this! If I miss this, I’ve wasted my life. The most important thing in life is to love and get to know the God who created me. To do so, I need to continue reading his Word. It’s not always the easy choice to make time for Bible study / quiet time, but when I do, I’ll learn more about God and find my love for him deepened. And, as I start to understand that my life is about God, and not myself, I’ll find more joy in the pursuit of him.

God alone is the possessor of absolute power and absolute wisdom. In the final analysis, everyone is absolutely dependent on God. He is the source of all things, including myself. He is the power that sustains and rules the world I live in. And God works out all things to bring glory to himself. The all-powerful God deserves all of my praise.

Father, thank you for Your Word and Jesus as my savior and example. You want me and I need you in my life. Please give me Your strength for today and remind me in little ways that I can always believe in, have faith in and can trust you in everything. This includes being the authority for my life, the source of my self-worth and my hope for the future. You have my best interests in mind. So I ask you to help me to embrace the way you’ve made me; my gifting and passions. Help me to serve and fulfill the mission you have in mind for me. 

Father, help me to remember that this life is not about me. I am to live to show your glory and to fulfil the mission you have for me.

I ask for wisdom and guidance for my day, my work, my leadership, my interactions with others, doing well and making a difference in my new job.  I pray these things through you Son Jesus’ name, Amen.