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Wednesday, June 2, 2021

How the Cross Proves My Value

In 1 Peter 2:4 I read, Come to the Lord, the living stone rejected by people as worthless but chosen by God as valuable.” (GNT)

God says that I’m accepted, and that I’m valuable!

How much do I think I’m worth? Not my net worth; but my self-worth. I should never confuse my tangible valuables with my value as a person. Being rich or poor has nothing to do with my worth as a person.

Two things determine value in life:

1). What someone is willing to pay for something.

2). Who has owned it

The Bible says, “You have been bought and paid for by Christ, so you belong to him” (1 Corinthians 7:23 TLB).

I belong to God, and Jesus paid for me with his life. The cross proves my value. Nobody has ever paid a greater ransom than God paid for me! I’m acceptable, and I’m valuable.

Peter uses the imagery of a building project to illustrate my value. He paints a picture of God constructing a stone building. That building represents the church, the family of God.

Peter says, “Come to the Lord, the living stone rejected by people as worthless but chosen by God as valuable” (1 Peter 2:4 GNT). Jesus is the living stone. He was perfect, but some people still rejected him. Even if I could just be perfect, I would not be accepted on that alone. However Jesus was perfect, but even he wasn’t accepted by everyone. Yet he was “chosen by God as valuable.”

I am one of God’s chosen, valuable stones as well. When I gave my life to Christ, I became a building block in God’s great plan.

So the next time I question my own self-worth, remember that Jesus thought I was worth his life, and now I am forever a part of God’s family.

In summary, I am to come to Jesus, who was the living stone rejected by others as worthless, but chosen by God as valuable. God says that I’m accepted, and that I’m valuable as well. I should never confuse my tangible valuables with my value as a person. Being rich or poor has nothing to do with my worth as a person. Two things determine value in life: 1). What someone is willing to pay for something. 2). Who has owned it. The Bible reminds me that I have been bought and paid for by Christ, so I belong to him, and Jesus paid for me with his life. The cross proves my value. Nobody has ever paid a greater ransom than God paid for me! Peter uses the imagery of a building project to illustrate my value. He paints a picture of God constructing a stone building. That building represents the church, the family of God. Jesus is the living stone. He was perfect, but some people still rejected him. Yet he was “chosen by God as valuable.” I am one of God’s chosen, valuable stones as well. When I gave my life to Christ, I became a building block in God’s great plan. So the next time I question my own self-worth, remember that Jesus thought I was worth his life, and now I am forever a part of God’s family.

One stone is not a temple or even a wall; one body part is useless without the others. In this individualistic society, it is easy to forget my interdependence with other believers. When God calls me to a task, I need to remember that he is also calling others to work with me. Together our efforts will be multiplied. Look for those people and join with them to build a beautiful house for God. 

Father, thank you for wanting me. I need you in my life. Please give me Your strength for today and remind me in little ways that I can always believe in, have faith in and can trust you in everything. This includes being the authority for my life, the source of my self-worth and my hope for the future. You have my best interests in mind. So I ask you to help me to embrace the way you’ve made me; my gifting and passions. I want to serve and fulfill the mission you have in mind for me. Father, help remind me that I am yours and nothing can change that. You have accepted me as I am and want me to partner with you in bringing others into a relationship with you.

I ask for wisdom and guidance for my day, my work, my leadership, my interactions with others, my preparation for my new future job, and finishing well in my old one. I ask these things through you Son Jesus’ name, Amen.