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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Humility Leads to Happiness

In Philippians 2:6-8 I read, Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.” (NLT)

Happiness comes from harmony, and harmony comes from humility. Jesus is my ultimate example of humility. So if I want to be a happy, humble person, I have to learn to ask myself: “What would Jesus do?”

What would Jesus do in this problem? What would Jesus do for that person who’s hurting? What would Jesus do at the office, on the golf course, or in my marriage?

When I ask what Jesus would do, my answer will always be a humble one that builds harmony and happiness rather than difficulty, defeat, bitterness, and resentment.

So, what does it mean to act like Jesus?

1. Don’t demand what I think I deserve. Philippians 2:6 says, “Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to” (NLT).

Do you know how counter-cultural it is to give up my right to something? Yes, I have rights, but demanding my rights isn’t the best way to get my needs met. I can be tender without surrender; I can be understanding without demanding.

2. Look for ways I can serve. Philippians 2:7 says, “Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being” (NLT).

If I want to be like Jesus, I have to learn to serve. If I’m uncertain how or where to serve, analyze my SHAPE and look at the needs around me.

3. Do what’s right, even when it’s painful. Philippians 2:8 says, “He humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross” (NLT).

Jesus is the ultimate model of humility. In fact, Philippians goes on to say that, because of Jesus’ humility, “God elevated him to the place of highest honor” (Philippians 2:9 NLT).

When I follow Jesus’ example, God will honor my humility too with harmony and happiness.

In summary, though Jesus was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; and took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human. He humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross. Happiness comes from harmony, and harmony comes from humility. Jesus is my ultimate example of humility. Learn to ask myself: “What would Jesus do?” When I ask, my answer will always be a humble one that builds harmony and happiness. So, to act like Jesus, I should not demand what I think I deserve. This is very counter-cultural, to give up my right to something? Yes, I have rights, but demanding my rights isn’t the best way to get my needs met. I can be tender without surrender; I can be understanding without demanding. Then look for ways I can serve. If I want to be like Jesus, I have to learn to serve. Lastly, do what’s right, even when it’s painful. Jesus is the ultimate model of humility. When I follow Jesus’ example, God will honor my humility too with harmony and happiness.

Jesus was humble, willing to give up his rights in order to obey God and serve people. Like Christ, I too should have a servant's attitude, serving out of love for God and for others, not out of guilt or fear. I can choose my attitude. I can approach life expecting to be served, or I can look for opportunities to serve others. Jesus showed us everything about God's character that can be conveyed in human terms. Often I excuse selfishness, pride or devil by claiming my rights. But as a believer, I should have a different attitude, one that enables me to lay aside my rights in order to serve others. I need to develop his attitude of humility as I serve, even when I am not likely to get recognition for my efforts. 

Father, thank you for Word and Jesus as my savior and example. You want me and I need you in my life. Please give me Your strength for today and remind me in little ways that I can always believe in, have faith in and can trust you in everything. This includes being the authority for my life, the source of my self-worth and my hope for the future. You have my best interests in mind. So I ask you to help me to embrace the way you’ve made me; my gifting and passions. Help me to serve and fulfill the mission you have in mind for me. 

Father, help me to not demand what I deserve, but look for ways to serve and to do what’s right even when it’s painful. I ask for wisdom and guidance for my day, my work, my leadership, my interactions with others, doing well and making a difference in my new job.  I pray these things through you Son Jesus’ name, Amen.