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Friday, February 21, 2020

Love and Trust Go Together, It Helps Me Build Others Up

In review of Romans 14:19 it says, “We must always aim at those things that bring peace and that help strengthen one another” (GNT).

As a Christ follower, I am called to accept others without judging varied opinions. My response should be to act in love so as to maintain peace with others.

Love is built on trust. When I really love people, I believe in them. I trust them. I build their confidence. I relieve their fears. And then my trust in them allows them to blossom.

If I can’t learn to trust people, I’ll never learn to love or be loved. A lot of people who think they have a love problem really have a trust problem, because love and trust go together.

When Jesus went to his hometown of Nazareth, the people who heard him teach did not believe him and were even offended by him. As a result, Jesus “could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. He was amazed at their lack of faith” (Mark 6:5-6 NIV).

It wasn’t Jesus’ lack of faith that prevented the miracles. He could not do good work because of the people’s lack of faith and trust in him.

If that’s true of Jesus, then it’s definitely true of me. When people don’t trust me, I’m not empowered to reach my potential. And when I don’t trust others, I limit them. If people don’t believe in me, trust me, or show confidence in me, then it holds me back. But when the people who love me show faith in me, it brings out my best. It gives me faith in myself. It helps me fulfill my purpose.

Do I want a love that lasts forever? Then show someone that they have my trust. When I do, I’ll build their confidence, and I’ll be amazed at what they will set out to do with God’s help and my faith.

We must always aim at those things that bring peace and that help strengthen one another” (Romans 14:19 GNT).

In summary, I must always aim at those things that bring peace and help strengthen others. I'm called to accept others without judging. My response is to act in love, to maintain peace for love is built on trust. When I really love and believe in them, I trust them and build their confidence, relieve their fears. My trust in them allows them to blossom. When others don't trust me, I'm not empowered to reach my potential. I end up limiting them. When people who love me show faith in me, it too helps me fulfill my purpose. I need to show someone that they have my trust. This will build their confidence and allow them and myself to prosper.

Today’s devotion and study have spoken to some initiatives my leader has given me to work with my team to accomplish completion of items to resolve “POAMS”. My leader has given me the positive encouragement to not let other things or requests from others bog me down. He has offered to stand in the gap and be the one who tells them yes or no. It has also given me some insight on how I need to encourage and help influence my team.  

Today Father I pray for your assistance and reminders on how I work with my team to help build them and accomplish our goals within a short period of time. I also pray that you grant me wisdom and guidance for my day, my tasks, my leadership and my interactions with others.This I pray in your Son Jesus name, Amen.