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Monday, April 10, 2017

A Foundation To Build From

In review of Matthew 16:18 it says, “On this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”

Bottom Line:
On this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.

What this means to me:
What God gives me is rock solid and foundation for me to build on. It is a foundation that can not be shaken by the powers of hell.

The rock on which Jesus would build his church was he himself, (through the work of his salvation by dying for us on the cross); and secondly through Peter (the first leader in the church at Jerusalem) and thirdly through the confession of faith that Peter gave and that all us as believers would give today. As christians we continue to help build the foundation started by Jesus and the prophets before us. All of us believers are joined into this church by faith in Jesus Christ as our savior. This is the same faith Peter expressed. It is faith like that of Peter’s that is the foundation of Christ’s kingdom.

The church is here for restoration, for lifting up those who have fallen. As part of it, I am to be merciful enough to help others in need with a spirit of meekness.

Loyalty says, "Let's restore him. Let's forgive him." Loyalty goes the extra mile even when no one is watching. It is the picture of the prodigal son as the father comes out with a robe in pursuit of a new life through forgiveness. I am not being righteous if I am not being loyal.

Many times I hold others to a higher standard than I do myself. But as a Christian, I should set the standard so high that the world wants to know how to have what I have. I should not be afraid to pour my love into someone else, regardless if I had been hurt in the past. Everyday is a new day, and God is on my side!