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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Freedom That Comes From Surrender

In summary of Job 22:21 it says, “Submit to and obey God, you will have peace; then things will go well for you.

Bottom line:
Submit to God, peace will come; then he will bless you.

What this means to me:

Whenever I take my own lead and try to make things go my way I will run into obstacles, experience uneasiness and not really achieve what’s right for me.  When I learn to submit and obey God with everything I do, peace will come.  God will bless my obedience and things will go well for me.  Scripture has many references to the benefit of worshiping God through surrender.  When I surrender, I begin to really live a life God intended for me.  I’m set free and liberated from self-preoccupation.  God is then able to use me in great ways.  Tremendous things come when I surrender my life into his hands.