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Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Living with Significance

In Mark 8:35 I read, “Only those who throw away their lives for my sake and for the sake of the Good News will ever know what it means to really live.” (TLB)

Why don’t I feel more fulfilled? Far too many ask this question. They’re not happy, they’re not satisfied—in fact, they’re miserable.  

Here’s a story that illustrates why. Climbing Mount Everest is one of the challenges that inspire people to do something big. Many people try to reach Everest’s summit—but there are also climbers who die in their attempt. Many of the corpses line the path up the mountain. Yet people still want to climb the mountain, though it has no real redeeming social value.

A few years back one climber, David Sharp, was clearly in trouble on the mountain. There were at least 40 other climbers who noticed his obvious need but did little to help him. He died on Mount Everest because none of the other climbers were willing to put their personal goals on hold or risk their own safety to help him.

The truth is that most people are like that. My own personal drive to have more, be more, do moreor even to protect myselfcauses me to lose sight of what really matters. But that isn’t how God wired me. Life isn’t about what I make, who I know, what I do, or looking out for myself. Life is all about loveloving God and loving others.

Jesus says in Mark 8:35, “Only those who throw away their lives for my sake and for the sake of the Good News will ever know what it means to really live” (TLB).

God wired me in such a way that I’ll never be happy unless I’m giving my life away in his work. I was made for something greater than myself. The Bible calls this my mission in life. Significance doesn’t come from status, salary, or sex. It comes from service.

It’s only when I give my life away that I’ll feel fulfilled—like living a life of significance.

In summary, many ask, why don’t I feel more fulfilledThey’re not happy, they’re not satisfied, they’re miserable.  The truth is most are like that. Even my own personal drive to have more, be more, do moreor even to protect myselfcauses me to lose sight of what really matters. But that isn’t how God wired me. Life isn’t about what I make, who I know, what I do, or looking out for myself. Life is all about loveloving God and loving others. “Only those who throw away their lives for my (Jesus) sake and for the sake of the Good News will ever know what it means to really live”. I’ll never be happy unless I’m giving my life away in his work. I was made for something greater than myself. The Bible calls this my mission in life. Significance doesn’t come from status, salary, or sex. It comes from service. It’s only when I give my life away that I’ll feel fulfilled—like living a life of significance.

The insistence on saving my life will only cause me to lose it. Those who give their lives for his name sake and for the sake of the Good News will know what it means to really live. Jesus is not against pleasure. He's referring to the heroic effort needed to follow him, to do his will even when the work is difficult and the future looks bleak. Jesus wants me to choose to follow him rather than lead a life of sin and self-satisfaction. He wants me to stop trying to control my destiny and to let him direct me. He asks me only to lose my self-centered determination to be in charge. Happiness comes from service. God designed me to be happiest when I am giving my life away. God wants me to become like him. It's all about love. To have a happy heart, I should practice service and generosity every day. Jesus came to serve and give. Those two actions will bring more happiness into my life more than anything else. They define what it means to follow Jesus. If I'm not serving and giving, then I'm not following. The more I give myself away, the more God will give and the more blessed and happier I'll be. Sacrifice and serving are two of the keys to lifelong happiness.