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Monday, March 21, 2022

God Wants Me to Be Real

In Ephesians 2:10 I read, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (NLT)

God didn’t create me to be somebody else. When I get to heaven, he’s not going to ask me why I wasn't more like someone else. God made me one of a kind, and he wants me to be real.

He wants to use me as me.

The Bible says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago” (Ephesians 2:10 NLT).

The problem is, many people try to be someone they’re not. They live for the approval of others. Or they think God would love them more if they acted differently. But God’s love isn’t based on how I act. He loves me no matter what I do.

One barrier that often keeps people from being used by God is the fear of being real. I’m afraid people won’t like me if they find out who I really am, so I live an insecure life. But the Bible says, “The Spirit we received does not make us slaves again to fear; it makes us children of God” Romans 8:15 (NCV).

The antidote to insecurity is God’s Spirit at work in me. When I live as a child of God, despite my mistakes and weaknesses, I’m liberated to be who God made me to be.

My imperfections are actually a good thing. People don’t grow from strengths; they grow from weaknesses. Showing only my strengths to the world won’t make others feel close to me; it may even make them feel jealous or distant. But when I admit my imperfectionswhen I’m real with otherspeople draw closer to me.

So I have a decision to make. Am I ready to be real? I can be stuck and enslaved by fear. Or I can be the real me and enjoy the good things God planned for me long ago.

In summary, God didn’t create me to be somebody else. He’s not going to ask me why I wasn't more like someone else. God made me one of a kind, and he wants me to be real. I am God’s masterpiece. He has created me anew in Christ Jesus, so I can do the good things he planned for me long ago”. Many people try to be someone they’re not. They live for the approval of others. Or they think God would love them more if they acted differently. But God’s love isn’t based on how I act. He loves me no matter what I do. One barrier that often keeps people from being used is the fear of being real. I’m afraid people won’t like me if they find out who I really am. The antidote to insecurity is God’s Spirit at work in me. When I live as a child of God, despite my mistakes and weaknesses, I’m liberated to be who God made me to be. People don’t grow from strengths; they grow from weaknesses. When I admit my imperfectionswhen I’m real with otherspeople draw closer to me. So am I ready to be real? I can be stuck and enslaved by fear. Or I can be the real me and enjoy the good things God planned for me long ago.

I am God's masterpiece, created to be new in Christ, so that I can do the good things he planned for me. I became saved through God's unmerited grace, not by anything I have done or will do. Out of gratitude for this free gift, I should seek to help and serve others with kindness, love, and gentleness. If God considers me his workmanship, then I dare not treat myself or others with disrespect or as being inferior. When I find myself getting caught up in feeling pressured by others, by their needs, by what they are doing and their expectations of me, I can know that God will set me free from these. It will be normal to feel pressure to live up to others expectations. I can't please everyone. Jesus came to set me free from others' expectations. I am God's masterpiece, unique, no one else is like me. God doesn't want me to try to be like anyone else. God makes me new so that I can do what he has planned for me to do. I can let go of expectations from others. If I make my goal to serve the Lord, I'll be in his will and doing the right thing. This will make life so much simpler.