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Monday, August 30, 2021

God Speaks in Different Ways

In Job 33:14 I read, God does speak, sometimes one way and sometimes another, even though people may not understand it." (NCV)

God designed me to hear his voice. In a sense, there is a “receiver” in me that allows me to get guidance from God.

What channels does God use? The primary way that God speaks is through the Bible. This is why it’s important to read the Bible every day. God’s will is found in his Word. That’s how I will know if an impression I get is a message from God.

God also speaks through godly teachers. Situations where it felt like the teacher was speaking directly to me? At that moment, God was speaking directly to me.

God also speaks through other Christians. He even speaks through me. When I stay tuned in to him and learn his Word, sometimes God will use me to say things to people that he wants them to hear. It’s not something reserved only for pastors; God speaks through every believer at different times.

God also speaks through my circumstances and pain.

Job 33:14 says, “God does speak, sometimes one way and sometimes another, even though people may not understand it” (NCV).

God is speaking all the time. But I have to listen. Tune in to God, and he will lead me on the right path.

In summary God speaks in different ways, I just don’t always understand it. God designed me to hear his voice. There is a “receiver” in me that allows me to get guidance from God. God uses different channels to communicate. The primary way that God speaks is through his Word, the Bible. God’s will is found in his Word. That’s how I will know if an impression I get is a message from God. God also speaks through godly teachers. God also speaks through other Christians including myself. When I stay tuned in to him and learn his Word, sometimes God will use me to say things to people that he wants them to hear. And God also speaks through my circumstances and pain. God is speaking all the time. But I have to learn to listen and tune in to Him. When I do, he will lead me on the right path.

God speaks again and again. He spoke to Job in dreams and visions, through suffering, and by mediating angels. God will do the same for me. I just need to listen to Him. God speaks, sometimes one way and sometimes another, even though I may not understand it. The four channels that God uses: First he speaks to me through his Word, the guidebook for life. It shows me the right step to take. If I'm not getting into his Word, it's as if God is getting a busy signal when he wants to speak. Secondly he speaks to me through teachers and other Christians. Somehow, in a way only he can, He uses teaching to meet the needs of the people who are listening. Thirdly he will speak through impressions, but not all. Only the ones that will match His word. Lastly he speaks through circumstances. In all of those he will make course corrections. Realizing and taking advantage of these ways will help me reap blessings and prepare me for how he wants to use me.

Father, thank you for Your Word and Jesus as my savior and example. You want me and I need you in my life. Please give me Your strength for today and remind me in little ways that I can always believe in, have faith in and can trust you in everything. This includes being the authority for my life, the source of my self-worth and my hope for the future. You have my best interests in mind. So I ask you to help me to embrace the way you’ve made me; my gifting and passions. Help me to serve and fulfill the mission you have in mind for me. 

Today, I ask you for wisdom and guidance for my day, my work, my leadership, my interactions with others, doing well and making a difference in others lives. I pray all these things through your Son Jesus’ name, Amen.