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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

How to Defeat Discouragement

In 2 Corinthians 4:1 I read, It is God himself, in his mercy, who has given us this wonderful work of telling his Good News to others, and so we never give up.” (TLB)

I need to know that God loves me. But do I sense and recognize God’s love? When I stop believing I am loved by God, I start to get discouraged. If I don’t believe God loves me, then I can’t experience his grace and mercy.

The best way to defeat discouragement is to remember how much God loves me and to stay focused on that truth.

It is God himself, in his mercy, who has given us this wonderful work of telling his Good News to others, and so we never give up” (2 Corinthians 4:1 TLB).

Mercy is when God gives me what I need, not what I deserve. Mercy is when God knows every mistake I’ve made and will ever make, and he still gives me every good thing in my life. God’s mercy is what keeps me going when I feel hopeless or worn down or discouraged.

God made me, to love me. The number one purpose of my life is not for me to do good or even for me to love God back. The number one purpose of my life is to let God love me. When I do that and experience his mercy and grace, I’ll be free to pursue all that he has planned for me.

In summary, in his mercy, ]God has given me this wonderful work of telling his Good News to others, and so I should never give up. But am I sensing and recognizing God’s love? When I stop believing I am loved, I’ll start to get discouraged. The best way to defeat discouragement is to remember how much God loves me and to stay focused on that truth. Mercy is when God gives me what I need, not what I deserve. Mercy is when God knows every mistake I’ve made and will ever make, and he still gives me every good thing in my life. God’s mercy is what keeps me going when I feel hopeless or worn down or discouraged. God made me, to love me. The number one purpose of my life is not for me to do good or even for me to love God back. The number one purpose of my life is to let God love me. When I do that and experience his mercy and grace, I’ll be free to pursue all that he has planned for me.

In reflection this morning, the circumstances where I most think about how God views me is when things are going well and in my favor. I do need to remind myself that God loves me at all times, even when things are going the way I planned. He will use everything for his purposes. I need to see it that way and not be discouraged. Father I ask you for wisdom and guidance for my day and what I work on. I ask this through your Son Jesus’ name, amen.