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Monday, November 2, 2020

Change the Way I Think, Change My Life

In Galatians 6:7 I read, Make no mistake about this: You can never make a fool out of God. Whatever you plant is what you’ll harvest.” (GW)

I can’t plant apple seeds and get tomatoes. In the same way, I can’t plant bitterness and get love. I can’t plant criticism and then get encouragement from others.

Galatians 6:7 says, “Make no mistake about this: You can never make a fool out of God. Whatever you plant is what you’ll harvest” (GW).

Whatever I plant is what I’ll harvest. If I plant in the soil of my sinful nature, I’ll harvest destruction. But if I plant in the soil of my spiritual nature, I’ll harvest everlasting life.

God has said for thousands of years that my sins can affect future generations. For instance, when you’re angry and you lose your temper with your kids, you’re setting them up to lose their temper with their kids. Sins get perpetuated in families, possibly for multiple generations. Not only does it work relationally and environmentally but it also works physically. We now know your brain can actually be changed by repetitive behavior, for good or for bad.

Everyone used to think the brain was pretty much set in stone by the time you were an adolescent. Now it's known about brain plasticity and how my brain can continue to be molded for the rest of my life.

That’s good to know! It means if a brain has been naturally molded toward depression or a quick temper or anxiety, it can change.

But I’ve got to change the way I think. The Bible refers to this as repentance or changing my mind. I can change my mind, and when I do, it changes the way I feel. And when I change the way I feel, it changes the way I act.

Then, I plant in my spiritual nature and watch what amazing fruit God will reap in my life.

In summary, I cannot mock the justice of God, I will always harvest what I plant. I can’t plant bitterness and get love. I can’t plant criticism and then get encouragement. Whatever I plant is what I’ll harvest. If I plant in the soil of my sinful nature, I’ll harvest destruction. But if I plant in the soil of my spiritual nature, I’ll harvest everlasting life. My sins can affect future generations. However, my brain can be remolded throughout my life. To do so means that I’ve got to change the way I think. This is repentance or changing my mind. When I do, it will change the way I feel. And when I change the way I feel, it will change the way I act. Therefore I need to plant in my spiritual nature and then watch what amazing fruit God will reap in my life.

This morning's study helps point out that allowing bitterness in my life, especially about the way my leadership is treating me won’t bring about love. I can’t express criticism and get encouragement. What I need to do is repent and change the way I see things. I need to plant from my spiritual nature and let God do things from it. I ask you Father for wisdom and guidance for my day, my work, my leadership and my interactions with others. I pray these things in your Son Jesus’ name, amen.