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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

When God’s Instructions Don’t Make Sense, Obey Anyway

In review of Hebrews 11:8 I read, It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going.” (NLT).

Abraham's life was filled with faith. At God's command, he left home and went to another land, obeying without question. He believed the covenant that God made with him. In obedience to God, Abraham was even willing to sacrifice his son Issac. I shouldn't be surprised if God asks me to give up secure, familiar surroundings in order to carry out his will

Faith is following God’s instructions, even when they don’t make sense, even when they don’t seem logical or rational. Faith means being obedient.

One of the best examples of this is in this today’s verse. God came to Abraham one day, tapping him on the shoulder, and saying, “Abraham, we’re moving!” Abraham says, “Great! Where are we going?” “You don’t need to know.” “How soon do we leave?” “Right now!” “What’s it going to be like?” “Milk and honey!” “Great! That’s really descriptive. How will I know when I get there?” “I’ll let you know.” “How long is it going to take?” “Don’t worry!” “Okay. I’ll go home and start packing!” That took faith. Abraham followed God’s instructions, even when it meant uprooting his family for the unknown, even when it didn’t make any sense to him.

Proverbs 3:5 reminds me to, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (NIV). I am to trust in God’s wisdom, not my own. When I obey even when I don’t understand, I will grow in faith and spiritual maturity.

When God asks me to do something, especially when it doesn’t make sense, to not ask questions, but to just do it!

The key for me is knowing when it’s actually God’s prompting and not my own selfish desires or external influences.

This does remind me of a situation that came my way in 2001, where I was faced with potentially being out of a job, but another (high profile, high desired) opportunity came my way, but it meant sacrificing what I was learning at the time in my walk (with those who God brought into my life) and moving my family away and working 7 days a week. I made the decision to turn the opportunity down and stay. God provided me with a role that I was in until 2017. What God was working on me with was, what was I going to wrap my heart around and invest my life in.   

Father, today I pray for my current situation and guidance on what your will is for me, that I hear and trust you and not rely upon my own understanding. I know that you will always work in my best interest. I also pray for wisdom and guidance for my day, my leadership and my interaction with others. I ask these things through your Son Jesus name Amen.