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Monday, March 26, 2018

God Knows Everything About Me And That's Good

In review of Hebrews 4:13 it says, “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account” (NIV).

In Hebrews 4:12-13 I’m reminded that the Word of God is alive and powerful. That It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. The Word exposes my innermost thoughts and desires. There is nothing in all creation that is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one whom I will be accountable.

This means that the "word of God" is not simply a collection of words from God, a vehicle for communicating ideas: rather it is living, life-changing, and dynamic as it works within me. God's Word reveals who I am and what I'm not. It penetrates the core of my moral and spiritual life. It discerns what is within me, both good and evil. And the demands of God's Word require decisions. I must not only listen to the Word; I must also let it shape my life.

Nothing can be hidden from God. He knows about everyone everywhere, and everything about us is wide open to his all-seeing eyes. God sees all I do and knows what I think. Even when I'm unaware of his presence, he is there. When I try to hide from him, he sees me. I have no secrets from God. It is comforting to realize that although God knows me intimately, he still loves me.

I often get into a debate with myself: “Go ahead. It won’t hurt this one time.” It’s in moments like these that Satan feeds us a devilish excuse: “No one will ever know.” I go ahead and do something questionable, because I believe the lie that “no one will ever know.”

But God already knows! Hebrews 4:13 reminds me, “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight” (NIV). God is never surprised. He knows everything! The fact that God knows everything about me is actually good news, not bad.

God knows my faults and failures. It may be uncomfortable to realize I don’t have any secrets from God, because there are things about me I’d rather God not know. But the Bible says, “My sins, O God, are not hidden from you; you know how foolish I have been” (Psalm 69:5 GNT).

I’m not fooling God when I keep my sin hidden (see 1 John 1:8). He’s not shocked by my sin, and when I admit it to him, it will never change the way he feels about me. The good news is that He loves me unconditionally, and that means I don’t have to fake it. I don’t have to pretend.

God knows my feelings and frustrations. Often I may think, “Nobody knows what I’m going through. Nobody feels the pain I’m experiencing.” God knows. He’s seen the crisis in my soul. And no hurt goes unnoticed by God. Psalm 56:8 says, “You know how troubled I am; you have kept a record of my tears” (GNT).

Because God knows my frustrations and despair, I can give those feelings to him: “Leave all your worries with him, because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7 GNT). Cast them all permanently on God, once and for all. Don’t take them back.

Since God knows everything about me, It’s important for me to acknowledge and agree about my sins. When I don’t acknowledge and agree, I’m putting up a wall between God and myself. When I confess my sins, God is faithful to forgive them. I can then ask for his help to overcome them in the future and my prayers / requests won’t be hindered. Also, I find I often hold onto my worries and try to resolve them myself, when it would be so much easier to turn this over to God and to trust him with the outcome. Knowing God loves me unconditionally keeps me from trying to hide and not be honest with myself and others.

Bottom Line:
You can’t hide from God. He sees and knows everything about us, and we will give an account for our lives.

What this means to me:
No part of me is hidden from God. Everything about me is uncovered and laid bare before him. One day I will give an account for myself before Him.