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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

The Power To Move Beyond The Negative

In review of Deuteronomy 23:5 it says, “Nevertheless the Lord your God would not listen to Balaam, but the Lord your God turned the curse into a blessing for you, because the Lord your God loves you.”

Bottom Line:
Because God loves us, He doesn’t listen to evil doers, instead he turns an intended curse into a blessing.

What this means to me:
My God loves me, He even takes what someone intended for evil and turns it into a blessing for me and my life.

What I’m learning is that I shouldn’t waste my time worrying about what everybody does to me or what mean-spirited people say about me. Instead I should be cautious in how I respond to them. I shouldn’t allow the enemy come in and attack my thought life. If he can strong arm me into obsessing over negative things, he’ll win his battle.

I can choose life over death, blessings over curses. I can make a conscious decision to look for the beautiful, the priceless, and the uplifting.

So move beyond the chaos of the day, the bad news report on the television, or anything that leaves a negative thought in my mind. God is good! He is faithful! He loves me!  Instead focus on the great things He has done, for He can and will do those things again, and even more!

After all, God didn’t bring me through my past issues only to let me fail in another area. My God is able and willing to bless me. So I should set my sights on what I can do through His power, and it shall be done in Jesus’s name!