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Friday, June 23, 2017

Dealing With The Bad and The Good

In review of Matthew 5:45b it says, “He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.”

Bottom Line:
God provides sun and rain on both the evil and the good.

What this means to me:
My Father in Heaven provides sun and rain for both the evil and the good people.

Today’s passage comes from Matthew 5 where Jesus is teaching us about love, especially for our enemies. People commonly think, love your neighbor and hate your enemy. However Jesus tells us to love our enemies and pray for those who oppose us. For when we do, we’ll be acting as true children of God. For God provides sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and unjust alike. If we only love those who love us, what reward is there for that. Even those who are corrupt do that. If we are only kind to our friends, how are we different from anyone else. Rather Jesus stresses that we strive to be like our father in heaven, who is loving and perfect.

By telling me not to retaliate, Jesus keeps me from talking the law into our own hands. By loving and praying for my enemies, I overcome evil with good. If I love my enemies and treat them well, I will truly show that Jesus is the Lord of my life. This ability to love our enemies is only possible for those who give themselves fully to God, because only God can deliver people from natural selfishness. Therefore I must trust the Holy Spirit to help me show love to those for whom I may not feel love.

Life may not be fair, but God always is. All the forces of darkness cannot stop God’s plan for me. It was set in stone before time began. As a human, I can choose to deviate from God’s plan for my life, but I should know that He has charted a very specific course that takes me down the path to my divine destiny. All I need to do is listen and obey. No matter what challenges I face, just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Do what I know I should.

Also, I’m told not to give the enemy any room to sneak in with fear or doubt. Don’t fret over what others are saying. Stay the course. God will take care of the rest.

Miracles and tragedies occur in everyday life. I can learn to move beyond the tragedy and dwell on the good, the positive, the gifts that God so liberally doles out to me. Don’t look at how great others may have it and become filled with envy. Trust that even when I feel like I’m drowning, God is up to something great, diligently working on my behalf to make something absolutely amazing transpire in my life.