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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Four Decisions That Determine Your Destiny

In review of James 1:7-8 it says, “If you are … unable to make up your mind and undecided in all you do, you must not think that you will receive anything from the Lord.”

Bottom Line:
Indecision and lack of faith for God to provide an answer is a sure sign that you won’t receive any direction from the Lord.

What this means to me:
If I don’t ask with faith, then every decision I make will be uncertain. I should not expect the Lord to give me a solid answer.

I’m reminded this morning of a Dr. Seuss’ poem, “The Zode in the Road,” in which a young Zode comes to a fork in the road and spends quite some time trying to decide which place to go to. He thinks about the possibility that one place may be too hot and the other too cool or one too high and the other too low. After scratching his head in indecision, the Zode finally decides to play it safe and “start off for both places at once!” And that meant the Zode got nowhere.

The key is to not be a Zode like this and waste my life. I should not live in mediocrity. I shouldn’t just exist! I need to move forward and make the decisions that will determine my destiny.

What I’m learning is that there are four life-changing decisions that every person has to make:

One, to commit your life to Christ and become a part of his family. Fortunately I had done this one.

Two, to commit to the habits that will help me grow spiritually. I shouldn’t be a wishy-washy, lukewarm, shallow Christian. Go head on and be all that God wants me to be. In this one I have developed some spiritual disciplines that have helped me in my daily walk with God.

Three, to use my talents, gifts, abilities, and experiences to serve God and others. I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus for while, however It’s time to get off the bench, and get back into the game.

Fourth, to share Jesus Christ with others. Now that I know the Good News, I’m to become a messenger so that others may hear it, as well.

Today’s verse reminds me, “If you are … unable to make up your mind and undecided in all you do, you must not think that you will receive anything from the Lord” (James 1:7-8 GNT). The decision is mine!

Its awesome that God lets us make our own decisions about our destinies. He’s never forceful, he let’s us make up our own minds, but implores us and shows us what our lives will be like if we follow him.

I have to admit that indecision and procrastination have been something I have struggled with in my own life. I’m sure I’ve missed out on some truly great things God had in store for me or others through what He would have done through me.

I believe a current decision that God is asking to me move forward with today is starting to plug into a church community. Now that we have moved, He has revealed one to my wife and I, however, I’ve been reserved in any real commitment wanting to fully check out all options. However I believe some of this is me trying to find what we had before when we were in Southern California. So, I believe I will move forward with taking the first steps in moving forward and getting together in a night time study with those in this community we have been investigating so that I can begin to build relationships.