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Monday, June 12, 2023

The Bible Does the Impossible in My Life

In James 1:18 I read, “He chose to give us birth through the word of truth.” (NIV)

God uses his Word to give me a fresh start in life. But it’s not just any fresh startit’s a total transformation! He wants to transform my life so that I can become the person he created me to be and live a fulfilling life.

The Bible is unlike any other book. It can make the impossible become reality, because it has supernatural power. It is the Word of God

What kinds of things does the Bible do for me? Well, without God’s Word, I could never be saved. I wouldn’t be headed for heaven. I wouldn’t know about Jesus’ death on the cross. I wouldn’t know about God’s purpose for my life. Without the Bible, I wouldn’t know God. 

God wants to give me all of these things—and all of this starts with his Word.

Through the Bible, God recreates my life. When I feel like I’m at the end of my rope, God uses the Bible to give me a fresh start, a do-over. The Bible calls it being “born again.” James 1:18 says, “He chose to give us birth through the word of truth” (NIV).

The Bible is often compared to a seed. Once the Bible took root in my heart, it began to sprout, grow, and bear fruit. It produces in me a character more like Jesus and a heart for the things God loves. God’s Word is better, and it changes my life for the better.

Jesus said this about his Word: “The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life” (John 6:63 NIV). God’s Word isn’t just words on a page. It’s spirit and life. It’s spiritual power. His Word can transform society and history. It can do the impossible. It has and will continue to change my life!

“The Bible was not given to increase our knowledge; the Bible was given to change our lives.” 

So, how do I need my life changed today? What part of my life do I feel powerless to change?

The Bible says the Word of God can change things that I cannot change on my own. So I will continue to make the study of God’s Word a regular part of my life.