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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Getting the Power to Go After My Goals

In Proverbs 16:9 I read, We plan the way we want to live, but only GOD makes us able to live it." (The Message)

I get to plan the way I want to live, but only God gives me the power and energy to experience transformation. Why? Because God provides the three things I must have to reach my goals and change my life.

First, God’s Spirit to empower me. I need God’s help to make changes I can’t make on my own. Life-change is not based on willpower. It’s based on God’s power. It’s not based on trying. It’s based on trusting.

Zechariah 4:6 says, “‘You will not succeed by your own strength or by your own power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord All-Powerful” (NCV).

Second, God’s Word to guide me. The Bible is the owner’s manual for life. The more I read, study, memorize, and meditate on it, the more successful and fulfilled I’m going to be.

When Joshua was given the great dream of taking over the Promised Land—a goal that would take him the rest of his life—God spoke these words to him: “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will achieve success” (Joshua 1:8 NASB).

Third, God’s people to support me. I will not be able to reach my goals on my own. It takes a team to fulfill a dream! Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, “By yourself you’re unprotected. With a friend you can face the worst. Can you round up a third? A three-stranded rope isn’t easily snapped” (The Message).

A crowd can’t support you, but a small group can. The people in my small group know when I’m sick, when I’m having a tough time, and when I need a break. I can share my goals, successes, and failures. They will rejoice with me and encourage me to keep going. I’m going to need their support to help me make and pursue the right kind of goals.

Have I been trying to reach my goals and change my life on my own? It’s time to stop flying solo and learn to rely on the Holy Spirit, God’s Word, and God’s people.

In summary, I may plan the way I want to live, but only GOD enables me to live it. So I get to plan the way I want to live, but only God gives me the power and energy to experience transformation. God provides the three things I must have to reach my goals and change my life. First, God’s Spirit to empower me. I need God’s help to make changes I can’t make on my own. Life-change is not based on willpower. It’s based on God’s power. It’s not based on trying. It’s based on trusting. Second, God’s Word to guide me. The Bible is the owner’s manual for life. The more I read, study, memorize, and meditate on it, the more successful and fulfilled I’m going to be. Joshua was to meditate on it day and night, to be careful to do according to all that is written in it; and then it will make your way prosperous, and achieve success”. Third, I need God’s people to support me. I will not be able to reach my goals on my own. It takes a team, Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, “By myself I’m unprotected. With a friend you can face the worst. A crowd can’t support me, but a small group can. I need their support to help me make and pursue the right kind of goals. It’s time to stop flying solo and to learn to rely on the Holy Spirit, God’s Word, and God’s people.

The final outcome of the plans I make is in God's hands. In doing God's will, there must be partnership between my efforts and God's control. He wants me to use my mind, seek the advice of others, and to plan. The results are up to him. Planning, then, helps me act God's way. As I live for him, ask for guidance as I plan, and then act on my plan as I trust him.