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Thursday, November 18, 2021

How to Have Uncommon Courage

In Matthew 10:32 I read, Stand up for me against world opinion and I’ll stand up for you before my Father in heaven." (The Message)

In a world full of ideas and beliefs that go against God’s Word, God wants me to have uncommon courage and stand up for Christ. To do this effectively, I need to develop a Christian worldview.

What is a worldview? It’s the filter through which I see and understand the world. Everyone’s filter is a little bit different. Even when we all are looking at the same event, I may see it differently from those around me because of varying worldviews.

My worldview influences how I see everything, including God, myself, others, the past, the present, the future, money, time, good, and evil. My worldview influences every choice I make. Every time I make a decision, I look at it through my worldview filter and make my choice based on the beliefs that make up my worldview.

It’s crucial, then, that as a follower of Jesus, I base my worldview on the truth of God’s Word.

One national survey found that 62 percent of Americans claim they are “deeply spiritual.” When asked how that spirituality affects their decision making, 31 percent said they make moral choices based on “what feels right and comfortable,” 18 percent on “whatever is best for me,” 14 percent on “whatever causes the least conflict with others,” and only 16 percent on “what God’s Word says.”

What does that mean? It means most Christians have a non-Christian worldview. I may be a Christian and headed for heaven, but I can also have a non-Christian worldview because I’ve based it on what I’ve learned from the world and not from God’s Word.

Having a strong Christian worldview allows me to stand courageously as a believer, to be someone who stands up and speaks truth. Why does that matter so much? Matthew 10:32-33 says, “Stand up for me against world opinion and I’ll stand up for you before my Father in heaven. If you turn tail and run, do you think I’ll cover for you?” (The Message)

God expects me, as one of his followers, to stand for his truth. Taking that kind of stand requires an uncommon courage that is only available through a Christian worldview based in the knowledge and understanding of God’s Word.

In summary, stand up for Jesus against world opinion and Jesus will stand up for me before my Father in heaven. In a world full of ideas and beliefs that go against God’s Word, God wants me to have uncommon courage and to stand up for Christ. I need to develop a Christian worldview, a filter through which I see and understand the world. Everyone’s filter is a little bit different. Even when we all are looking at the same event, I may see it differently from those around me because of varying worldviews. My worldview influences how I see everything, including God, myself, others, the past, the present, the future, money, time, good, and evil. My worldview influences every choice I make. Every time I make a decision, I look at it through my worldview filter and make my choice based on the beliefs that make up my worldview. It’s crucial that I base my worldview on the truth of God’s Word. Most Christians have a non-Christian worldview, learned from the world and not from God’s Word. Having a strong Christian worldview allows me to stand courageously as a believer, to be someone who stands up and speaks truth. God expects me, as one of his followers, to stand for his truth. Taking that kind of stand requires an uncommon courage that is only available through a Christian worldview based in the knowledge and understanding of God’s Word.

Anyone who acknowledges Jesus Christ (that is, publicly professes faith in or declares allegiance to him) will be acknowledged by Christ before his Father in heaven. Jesus' followers would face earthly courts of law where they would have to publicly claim to belong to Jesus Christ, usually at their peril  Genuine discipleship always involves acknowledging Jesus Christ, whether or not we face pressure and persecution.  So, Stand up for Jesus against world opinion and he’ll stand up for me before his Father in heaven. If I turn tail and run, do you think he’ll cover for me?

Father, thank you for Your Word and Jesus as my savior and example. You want me and I need you in my life. Please give me Your strength for today and remind me in little ways that I can always believe in, have faith in and can trust you in everything. This includes being the authority for my life, the source of my self-worth and my hope for the future. You have my best interests in mind. So I ask you to help me to embrace the way you’ve made me; my gifting and passions. Help me to serve and fulfill the mission you have in mind for me. 

Today, I ask you for wisdom and guidance for my day, my work, my leadership, my interactions with others, doing well and making a difference in others lives. I pray all these things through your Son Jesus’ name, Amen.