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Friday, November 12, 2021

For God’s Blessing, Put Him First

In 1 Thessalonians 2:12 I read, “You should live in a way that proves you belong to the God who calls you into his kingdom and glory." (GW)

At times I know I have so much, and yet feel unfulfilled. I’ve got a good family, and a good job, and I’m part of a great church. Then why do I feel so unfulfilled?” It’s because I was made for more than this! I was made for more than survival.

Until I begin to live in God’s Kingdom, by God’s power, and for God’s glory, I will never find fulfillment in life.

So how do I live a fulfilled life, the kind of life I was designed by God to live?

The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 2:12, “You should live in a way that proves you belong to the God who calls you into his kingdom and glory” (GW).

What does it mean to live in God’s Kingdom? It means I make God’s agenda my agenda. I make God’s will my will. I care about what God cares about. I put God first in whatever area I want him to bless.

What does it mean to put God first in my life? Here are five areas, called “FIRST”:

Finances. If I want God to bless my finances, even during hard times, start tithing.

Interests. Put him first in my hobbies, career, and my recreation. Give God first consideration in every decision.

Relationships. Put him first in my family, marriage, and friendships.

Schedule. Give him the first part of every day. When I wake up, sit on the side of your bed and say, “God, if I don’t get anything else done today, I just want to love you a little bit more and know you a little bit better.”

Troubles. Turn to God first when I have a problem. Prayer should never be my last resort. It should be my first choice.

Put God first in everything. Then watch how much God blesses me.

In summary, I need to live in a way that proves you belong to the God who calls you into his kingdom and glory. I have so much, and yet feel unfulfilled. Why, because I was made for more than this! I was made for more than survival. Until I begin to live in God’s Kingdom, by God’s power, and for God’s glory, I will never find fulfillment in life. How do I live a fulfilled life, the kind of life I was designed by God to live? I need to live in a way that proves you belong to the God who calls me into his kingdom and glory”. To live in God’s Kingdom? It means I make God’s agenda my agenda. I make God’s will my will. I care about what God cares about. I put God first in whatever area I want him to bless. Five areas to put God first in my life, “FIRST”: Finances. If I want God to bless my finances, even during hard times, start tithing. Interests. Put him first in my hobbies, career, and my recreation. Give God first consideration in every decision. Relationships. Put him first in my family, marriage, and friendships. Schedule. Give him the first part of every day. When I wake up, sit on the side of your bed and say, “God, if I don’t get anything else done today, I just want to love you a little bit more and know you a little bit better.” Troubles. Turn to God first when I have a problem. Prayer should never be my last resort. It should be my first choice. I need to put God first in everything. Then watch how much he will bless me.

By His words and example, Paul encouraged the Thessalonians to live in a way God would consider worthy. Is there anything about my daily life that would embarrass God? What do people think of God from watching me?

Father, thank you for Your Word and Jesus as my savior and example. You want me and I need you in my life. Please give me Your strength for today and remind me in little ways that I can always believe in, have faith in and can trust you in everything. This includes being the authority for my life, the source of my self-worth and my hope for the future. You have my best interests in mind. So I ask you to help me to embrace the way you’ve made me; my gifting and passions. Help me to serve and fulfill the mission you have in mind for me. 

Today, I ask you for wisdom and guidance for my day, my work, my leadership, my interactions with others, doing well and making a difference in others lives. I pray all these things through your Son Jesus’ name, Amen.