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Thursday, March 4, 2021

Am I Seeing Others the Way Jesus Does?

in Mark 6:34 I read, When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.” (NIV)

How do I know if I’m looking at life from God’s viewpoint? I need to think about the way I see others. This is a great test of my spiritual maturity, much better than asking how much of the Bible I know, how often I go to church, or whether I serve, tithe, or pray. Life is all about love and relationships. So if I want to gauge my spiritual maturity, think about how I see others.

Consider how God sees my wife? Valuable. Acceptable. Lovable. Forgivable. Is that the way I see her? How about the stranger at the grocery store? The person who cut me off in traffic? The homeless person on the street? What do I see when I look at others? Do I see them as irritations or burdens? How about the people I work with? Do I see them as enemies? Competition? Or do I see them the way God sees them?

All people matter to God. It doesn’t matter who they are, what they’ve done, or even what they believe. Christ died for them. Jesus loves them. God has a plan for every person, and he wants them to have a relationship with him.

The Bible says in Mark 6:34, “When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd” (NIV).

That’s the way Jesus sees people. And that’s the way I can grow to see people as well. I can learn to have compassion for my own family as well as for my neighbors, community, country, and the rest of the world.

Let my spiritual vision get stronger as I learn to see people the way Jesus does.

In summary, When Jesus saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. How do I know if I’m looking at life from God’s viewpoint? It’s in the way I see others. This is the greatest test of my spiritual maturity. Life is all about love and relationships. Consider how God sees my wife? Valuable. Acceptable. Lovable. Forgivable. Is that the way I see her? How about the stranger at the grocery store, the person who cut me off, the homeless person on the street or the people I work with? What do I see when I look at others? Do I see them as irritations, burdens, enemies or competition? All people matter to God. It doesn’t matter who they are, what they’ve done, or even what they believe. Christ died for them. Jesus loves them. God has a plan for every person, and he wants them to have a relationship with him. This verse reminds me that Jesus sees and has compassion for people.And that’s the way I can grow to see people as well. I can learn to have compassion as I learn to see people the way Jesus does.

Inconvenience and competition are often the things in my life that keep me from seeing people with God’s eyes. Part of it’s pride, competition and busyness. I can limit those distractions by making time in my life and schedule for them. I need to keep in mind that all people matter to God. He has a plan for them and wants a relationship with them. I can help introduce them to that by being a good ambassador for God. 

Father, I ask you for wisdom and guidance for my day, my work, my leadership, my interactions with others, my training for a future job role and learning a small group. I ask these things through you Son Jesus’ name, amen.