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Friday, October 9, 2020

Is Social Media a Helpful Tool or a Crutch for Me?

In Ecclesiastes 7:21 I read, Don't pay attention to everything people say.” (GNT)

Social media can be addictive. Why would I need to check back in after posting? Seems a big reason is that everybody wants the approval of others. We desperately need to be liked! When hearing a “ding” of a notification, dopamine is released in the brain, and it’s extremely satisfying. Every “ding” feeds the need for approval, and it feels like I could never get enough.

But the Bible says, “Dear friends, don’t let public opinion influence how you live out our glorious, Christ-originated faith” (James 2:1 The Message).

The truth is that public opinion doesn’t have anything to do with my faith. So don’t let public opinion decide what I believe, feel, or do. It will never lead me in the direction of Jesus Christ.

The Bible also says in Ecclesiastes 7:21, “Don’t pay attention to everything people say” (GNT).

Even when you make the wisest, happiest, most encouraging social media post, some will still post comments that will not meet my expectations or may just be downright mean. Making a post because I’m looking for a certain number of likes to feel better about myself, will only disappoint me.

When I’m not living for the approval of others, what one person says on social media is not going to make or break me. Everyone wants the approval of others. But living for the approval of One will help me use social media as a useful tool and not a crutch.

In summary, don't pay attention to everything people say. Social media can be addictive. Seems like we are all looking for the approval of others. We desperately need to be liked!  Every “ding” feeds the need for approval, But the Bible reminds me, “don’t let public opinion influence how you live out our glorious, Christ-originated faith.” In fact public opinion shouldn’t have anything to do with my faith. So don’t let it decide what I believe, feel, or do. It will never lead me in the direction of Jesus. Even when I make the wisest, happiest, most encouraging post, some will still post comments that will not meet my expectations or may just be downright mean. Making a post for likes to feel better will only disappoint me. When I’m not living for the approval of others, what one person says will not make or break me. I need to be living for the approval of One will help me use social media as a useful tool and not a crutch.

I don’t post much on social media, but I have to admin that when I do, I do want to see positive affirmation. I would think that the more time I spend on it would affect how I would look for approval. There are so many posts about events and decisions taking place. I find varying opinions. Some of which if I’m not careful, end up shaping what I believe or how I act? This morning Father I pray that with the help of the Holy Spirit that I keep this in mind and not use Social Media as a way to gain approval or sway my faith and beliefs. I also ask for wisdom and guidance for my day, my work, my leadership and my interactions with others. These things I pray in the name of Jesus, your son, amen.