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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

I’m Forgiven, So I Should Forgive

In review o Colossians 3:13 this morning, I read: Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.” (NLT)

The key to forgiving others is remembering how much God has forgiven me. Is it difficult to forgive someone who has wronged me, when God has forgiven me so much? Realizing God's infinite love and forgiveness will help me love and forgive others. Then let God worry about the wrongs I've suffered. Don't quench my life in bitter feuding; live renewed in love and joy.

I should forgive because I have been forgiven. God expects me to show grace to others because he showed grace to me. He demonstrated his love by sending Christ to die for me, even though I was still in rebellion to him (Romans 5:8).

I’m in need of God’s love. That’s why Jesus Christ came into this world. And to show people grace is to remember what God has done for us (me). The ultimate way God shows me grace is by forgiveness. And the ultimate way he asks me to show grace to others is also by forgiving them.

People may wonder, “How can I find the strength to forgive? I don’t have it in me.” The truth is, I don’t really have it in me, either! The only place to find the strength to forgive is to remember how much Jesus has forgiven me. Through that reminder, he gives me the strength and grace to forgive others.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean the person who wronged me was right. And it doesn’t make what that person did okay. I can forgive, and they still can face the consequences for what happened.

When forgiving someone seems impossible, remember one thing: Jesus forgave me.

In summary, learn to make allowances for other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends me. Remember, the Lord forgave me, so I must forgive others. The key to forgiving others is remembering how much God has forgiven me. Realizing God's infinite love and forgiveness will help me love and forgive others. Then let God worry about the wrongs I've suffered. Forgive because I have been forgiven. God expects me to show grace to others because he showed grace to me.The ultimate way God shows me grace is by forgiveness. And the ultimate way he asks me to show grace to others is also by forgiving them. Forgiveness doesn’t mean the person who wronged me was right. And it doesn’t make what that person did okay. I can forgive, and they still can face the consequences for what happened. When forgiveness seems impossible, remember: Jesus forgave me.

Father, this verse and this devotional has reminded me that I’m not forgiving those who have  recently come against me and not treated myself and my team right. Today I will forgive them, knowing that you have forgiven me so much. With the help of the Holy Spirit, I will work toward not bringing the hurt to mind and to be an example to others who work with me to forgive as well. I ask you today for wisdom and guidance for my decision in what training and job career I should choose, for my day, for my work, for my leadership and for my interaction with others. I will trust you with the outcome and continue to do what I know is the right thing that you would want me to do. I pray this through your Son Jesus Christ, Amen.