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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Looking to the Needs of Others

In review of Philippians 2:4 it tells me Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand” (The Message).

I need to avoid being selfish; or to work toward impressing others. I need to learn to be humble, thinking of others as better than myself. I need to do it with the same attitude that Christ had, giving up his position and equality with God to serve. Paul encourages me to guard against any selfishness, prejudice, or jealousy that might lead to dissension. I need to show a genuine interest in others and maintain unity

The starting point for happiness is the moment I shift the focus away from myself. If all I think about is myself, I’ll end up being unhappy. If I truly want to be happy, I have to take an interest and care about the needs of those around me.

Paul cites Timothy as an example of this in Philippians 2:20-21: “There is no one like Timothy for having a real interest in you; everyone else seems to be worrying about his own plans and not those of Jesus Christ” (TLB).

Most people including myself do not get up in the morning and spend energy thinking about how others are doing. Rather my concerns are usually just with my own problems. To become one of those rare, unselfish people, I need to change my focus. I have to shift my focus away from myself and toward others. Unfortunately this is something that doesn’t come naturally; Its something I need to learn to do.

In addition, I can easily miss the needs of those around me because I wasn’t paying attention or taking an interest in them. I hadn’t shifted the focus off of myself. Because I wasn’t looking out for their needs, I miss opportunities or chances to help

I need to be intentional about looking away from myself and looking toward the needs of others. If I do scripture tells me I’ll find happiness in serving God through serving others.

In summary, don't be obsessed with my own advantages. Learn to forget about myself long enough to lend a helping hand. Avoid being selfish or trying to impress others. Instead, learn to be humble, thinking of others as better than myself. Do so with the same attitude that Christ Had. Guard against selfishness, prejudice or jealousy and show a genuine interest in others. Pay attention, so that I don't miss opportunities or chances to help. Be intentional about looking away from myself and looking to the needs of others. 

Father this is a great reminder for me to take the focus off of myself, and look to help and serve others. I pray this morning for this notion to permeate my thoughts today. I ask for your wisdom and guidance in my work, my leadership and my interaction with others. I pray these things through your Son Jesus name, Amen.