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Friday, September 13, 2019

Mentoring Matters for Spiritual Growth

In review of 2 Timothy 2:2 I read  The things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others” (NIV).

If we were to consistently follow this advice, it would expand geometrically as well-taught believers would teach others and commission them, in turn, to teach others. As a disciple / Christ follower, I need to be equipped to pass on my faith. My work is not done until new believers are able to make disciples of others

Every Christian needs both a Paul and a Timothy.

A “Paul” is somebody who has been a Christian longer than myself and is helping to train and encourage me. That person may only be a month older than me, but he or she has probably walked longer with the Lord and is more spiritually mature and can mentor me.

A “Timothy” is somebody who hasn’t been a Christian as long as myself whose faith I am helping to build. I offer that person encouragement and discipleship as they grow in the Lord.

So, I have a Paul and a Timothy in my life. But I’m also a Paul and a Timothy to others.

In 2 Timothy, Paul says this to Timothy: “The things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others” (2 Timothy 2:2 NIV).

The are four generations in this verse. Paul says to Timothy that he helped mentor him, meaning Paul guided him to spiritual maturity. Now Timothy must find somebody to mentor, and then that person can find somebody else to mentor.

Don’t be intimidated by the word “mentoring.” Mentoring is as easy as taking someone to breakfast once a month and asking, “How’s it going?” I just need to be a friend. Listen to, encourage, and pray for that person. I don’t have to be a “perfect Christian” to do this. I just have to be willing.

To fully live out God’s calling on my life, I need other people. I will more fully grow as a disciple when I learn from other believers who are more mature than myself and when I share my wisdom and experience with believers who are younger than me.

In summary, Paul tells Timothy, the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses, entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. As a disciple, I need to be equipped to pass on my faith. My work is not done until new believers are able to make disciples of others. Being Mentor is as easy as taking someone to breakfast once a month and asking, How's it going. I just need to be a friend. Listen to. Encourage, and pray for that person. I don't need to be perfect, I just need to be willing. To fully live out God's calling, I need others. I will grow when I learn from others who are more mature, and when I share my wisdom and experience with believers who are younger. 

It’s been awhile since I had been mentored by someone else one-on-one. When I had been mentored it helped me with my thinking and perspective. But as I reflect today, I haven’t really had someone to mentor me in a while. I believe I have a problem taking any criticism or correction from others. In addition, I have also filled my life with work so that I have very little hours / margin left. Today I pray Father for your help me make more time available in my life to meet with others. I ask you Father for wisdom and guidance for my day. These things I pray in your Son Jesus name, amen.