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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

My Greatest Dream Is Still Possible

In review of 1 John 4:18 it reminds me that There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment” (NIV).

If I was ever afraid of the future, eternity, or God's judgment, I can simply remind myself of God's love. I know he loves me perfectly. I can resolve my fears first by focusing on his immeasurable love for me, and then by allowing myself to love others through me. His love will quiet my fears and give me confidence.

What I’m learning is that I am capable of far more than I understand right now. I just need someone to believe in me. I have that someone in God.

When someone believes in me unconditionally, as God does, it releases me to take great risks. I have unfulfilled dreams in life because I’ve been scared to death to go after them. I’ll end up dying with unfulfilled dreams unless I let one truth really sink in: God loves me unconditionally.

No matter who I am and no matter what’s in my past, God believes in me far more than I believe in myself. That means fear doesn’t have to stop me anymore.

If I ever think I’ve blown it and ready to throw in the towel on a dream, God’s love tells me to not be afraid to give it another shot. He tells me that I can start over, and this time He’ll help me.”

So I may have messed up and feel as if my dream is dead. But God says to me, “It’s okay. We can start over, and this time I’ll help you.” And when God says he’ll help me, I can do anything.

In summary, there is no fear in love. Perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. I can remind myself of God's love. He loves me perfectly. I can focus on his immeasurable love for me. His love will quiet my fears and give me confidence. I am capable of far more than I understand right now. I just need someone to believe in me. I have that someone in God. Fear no longer needs to stop me. God tells me it's ok, we can start over and this time he'll help me.  

Thank you Father for the reminder of how you believe in me, much more than I believe in myself. I pray this morning that I not let fear hold me back. You believe in me and have things for me to do. I also ask for your wisdom and guidance this morning for my day, my leadership and my interactions with others. This I pray through your Son Jesus name, amen.