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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Consider How I Use My Time and Talents

In review of Hebrews 13:20-21 it says, “May the God of peace . . . equip you with all you need for doing his will” (TLB).

Today’s passage is from the last part of Hebrews 13. In it Paul says, may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever.

God works in me to make me the kind of individual that would please him, and he equips me to do the kind of work that would please him.

The principle of “use it or lose it” is universal. If I don’t exercise, my muscles get smaller. If I don’t invest my money, I’m going to lose it. If I don’t learn to use my mind, it will get duller and duller as I get older. If I have a talent and I refuse to practice, I’ll lose that talent. If I don’t use it, I’ll lose it.

The opposite is also true. If I do use it, I’ll get even more of it. So if I use my muscles, they get bigger. If I take a little bit of money and invest it wisely, it gets bigger. It multiplies!

Today I should consider what I need more of in my life? Energy, time, money, or talent?

What I’m learning is that whatever I need more of, take the little I’ve got and start using it to serve others unselfishly. Then watch God multiply it. If I think, “I don’t have time to serve or minister to others. I already don’t have time to get all the things done I need to do. How could I add anything else?” Why do I think I don’t have time? Because God never meant for me to spend all my time on myself! Why would God give me more time if I’m just going to spend it on myself?

It’s like the principle of tithing, where the first 10 percent of all I make goes back to God. Why? Because when I give that 10 percent back to God, God takes the other 90 percent and makes it stretch further than it would have if I kept 100 percent myself. It's just as true with my time or talent. That’s true with anything in life.

If I don’t use it, I lose it. And the way I get more is by investing whatever I’ve got. Watch and see how God will give me everything I need, and more, for doing his will when I use my time, money, and talent for him.

Bottom Line:
God equips us to do the things that please him.

What this means to me:
It is God who equips me to do the kind of work that pleases him.

In summary, God equips me with everything good for doing his will and what is pleasing to him. I need to "use it or lose it". If I use it, I'll get even more of it. Whatever I need more of, take the little I've got and start using it to serve others unselfishly. Then watch God multiply it. If I think I don't have enough time, consider that God never meant for me to spend all my time on myself. Why would God give me more if I"m just going to spend it on myself. The way I get more is by investing what I have. Watch and see how he grows it.

Father I think I really need to consider how I can use my time to serve others. I need to get over not thinking I have enough time. I need to consider how I’m using my time and take the step forward toward investing in others. Father I pray for your help with this. I also ask for your wisdom in how I handle my day; my work commitments, my interaction with others and my leadership. Help me to be what you’ve designed me to do. I pray this through your Son Jesus name, amen.