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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Learn To Replace Worry with Worship

In review of Matthew 6:25 it says, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?” (NIV).

Matthew 6:25
So my counsel is: Don’t worry about things—food, drink, and clothes. For I already have life and a body—and they are far more important than what to eat and wear.

Because of the ill effects of worry, Jesus tells me not to worry about those needs that God promises to supply. Worry (1) damages my health, (2) disrupts my productivity, (3) negatively affects the way I treat others, and (4) reduces my ability to trust in God. There is a difference between worry and genuine concern, worry immobilizes, but concern move me to action.

I’m reminded this morning that God is the source of everything I need to live. He is the Good Shepherd who feeds, leads, and meets my needs. I don’t have to look anywhere else. I don’t have to look to the government, my spouse, my individual retirement account, my finances, my Social Security, or even my job.

If I’m going to put my security in something, I need to put it in something that can never be taken from me. I can lose my health. I can lose my job. I can lose my looks. I can lose my family. I can lose my life. I can lose my mind. I can even lose my way.

God, however, is never lost. And there is nothing I need that God can’t supply. Philippians 4:19 says, “God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (ESV).

So why do I worry? I’m reminded that It is the direct result of forgetting that God is good all the time. I can pray, or I can panic. If I’m not praying, I’m panicking. I can worry, or I can worship. If I’m not worshiping, I’m worrying. When I invite worship in the front door, worry goes out the back door.

Today’s verse reminds me, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?” (Matthew 6:25 NIV).

Clearly, God doesn’t want me worrying about anything. Yet it’s hard for me to stop the worry habit. Seems it’s just in my nature!

The best place for me to start is prayer. Once I’ve recognized how worry keeps me from the goodness of God and I’ve decided that I don’t want it to get the best of me, I can take things to God in prayer instead.

Bottom Line:
Don't worry about anything, God values me and will provide what I need.

What this means to me:
I need to turn any form of worry into prayer. Look above, for God cares deeply about me and will take care of all of my needs.

In summary, I don't need to worry about anything, I already have everything I need. So Jesus tells me not to worry. Worry immobilizes, but concern move me to action. Worry is also a direct result of me forgetting that God is good all the time. The best place for me to start is prayer. Don't worry about anything, God values me and will provide what I need.

Today’s verse reminds me of a problem I have at work with data on tapes, the ability to find what’s needed, what needs to be removed and how to handle a large amount of confusing mess on how it is organized. Because of the timing associated with this, I have to admit that I started to worry about it and how I would handle it. However, I’m reminded that I need not worry, but take this to God in prayer, for he will supply what I need. So Father, I lift this situation up to you, ask you for our guidance and clarity on how to handle and work with my team on this. I accept that I may not have an immediate solution to meet the deadline, but will rely upon you for how I should handle and communicate updates on the status of this activity. I also pray this morning Father for your continued guidance and wisdom in handling other projects, leading my team and interacting with others. This I ask through your Son Jesus name, amen!