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Thursday, November 22, 2018

Over-worked or Over-worried?

In review of Philippians 4:6 it says, “Never worry about anything” (GW).

Today’s verse is one I reviewed a few days ago in Philippians 4:6-7. In it Paul tells me to not worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what I need, and thank him for all he has done. Paul tells me if I do, then I'll experience God's peace, which exceeds anything I can understand. His peace will guard my heart and mind as I live in Christ Jesus.

I have worries in my job, my family, what's going on around me. Paul tells me in this passage that If I want to worry less, then I should pray more. Whenever I start to worry, it should be my key to stop and pray instead. Then God will provide his peace.

God's peace comes from knowing that God is in control, and that my place as part of his family is assured. Until then, I need to let God's peace guard my heart against anxiety.

I often feel stressed because I have too much work to do. I even think that my company is unreasonable. But this is not why I’m stressed. Work in and of itself shouldn’t stress me out. It's actually the worry that stresses me out. Work doesn’t keep me up at night. But worry will. I’m not overworked. I’m over-worried.

God doesn’t mince words in the Bible about what he thinks about worry. He says, “Never worry about anything” (Philippians 4:6 GW). There is no wiggle room in this verse, there isn’t any exceptions.

Never worry about anything. It’s about as big of a blanket statement as you can possibly make.

When it comes to worrying, I’m told to not do it. That’s what the Bible says. But God also tells me there is something else I can do with my worry instead.

First Peter 5:7 says, “God cares for you, so unload all of your worries over to him.” (TEV).

I love the word unload, because in the original Greek the verse literally says to just drop it. It’s not like you’re throwing a baseball or throwing a rock across the lake. It just says to unload it, let it go.

It won’t do me any good to hang on to what I’m worried about. Why not let it go?

Bottom Line:
Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God

What this means to me:
I shouldn't become worried about things that are going on around me or in my life. Instead I should take them all in prayer to God asking him for what I need,  but always asking him with a thankful heart

In summary, I'm not to worry about anything, instead, I'm to pray about everything. Tell God what I need, and thank him for all that he has done. I will get his peace, which is different than the world's peace. It's a peace from knowing that God is in control. I need to let God's kind of peace guard my heart against anxiety. If I worry, it's me assuming God's responsibility, with me trying to control the uncontrollable. I am to unload my worries onto him, then live one day at a time. When I do God will take care of my tomorrows.