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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Running the Race With Endurance

In review of Hebrews 12:1 it says, “Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance that race that is set before us.”

Bottom Line:
Get rid of everything that weighs or slows you down, especially sin. Instead be determined to run the race God has marked out for you.

What this means to me:
I must get rid of everything that slows me down, especially the sin which easily trips me up. Then I should run with endurance and perseverance the race God has set out befor me.

Today’s verse reminds me that there is no sense in mounting a pity party for myself or to become bitter. I should not allow myself to drown in a sewer of despair and desperation. So, I should wash the mud off of my face and get back into the race!

I should get over the things the Satan has put me through or done to me in the past. I can lift my head and proclaim Jesus love for me. I should turn loose my resentment and anger for as long a I hang onto these, I’ll be imprisoning myself and giving the enemy the key.

Today’s verse also reminds me to get rid of the things that bind me in Jesus’ name and claim total victory.

So whatever I’m lacking, I can give it to God and watch how He will reach down and meet my needs. Afterall, He is in complete control! He has promised a place of freedom from the past, a place unencumbered by fear of the future, a place full of love, joy and peace.