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Friday, December 16, 2016

God Is Working While I’m Waiting

In review of Psalm 130:5 it says, “I wait expectantly, trusting God to help, for he has promised”

Bottom Line:
I expectantly wait, trusting God, for he has promised

What this means to me:
With all my heart, I should expectantly wait for the Lord. I should always trust in his promises.

What I’m learning is that God wants me to wait patiently for him to answer my prayer, but he also wants me to wait expectantly. Have faith. Trust God to hear and to answer. And when I wait expectantly, I show God that I believe his promises. Believe he’s going to keep his word.

I had heard that Daniel Boone, the famous frontiersman, was once asked, “Have you ever gotten lost in the wilderness?” He said, “No, I’ve never been lost. I’ve been bewildered for weeks at a time, but I’ve never been lost.”

There are times when I feel bewildered, hopeless to change my situation on my own. When this happens, I should not be discouraged! I should never give up! Instead I should look up. Turn to prayer. There will likely be times when it seems my requests may never been answered. I should consider this: Whether or not God ever answers that prayer, I am going to die believing his promises. Because God is a good God, and he knows what’s best, even when I don’t understand it.

When God doesn’t answer my prayers, I need to remember a couple very important truths.

First, God is in control, and I’m not. He knows better what I need than I do. There is no mountain too tall that he can’t move it. There is no problem so big that he can’t solve it. There is no sorrow so deep he cannot soothe it. God is in control, and he has a plan.

The second thing is that, whether or not I ever receive my answer, God will honor my patience, if not in this world then in eternity.

Thus, “I wait expectantly, trusting God to help, for he has promised” (Psalm 130:5 TLB), and know that God is a good God. He ultimately knows what’s best, even when I don’t understand it