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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Understanding That I’m God’s Masterpiece

In review of Ephesians 2:10 it says, “We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

Bottom Line:
God made us and has given us a new life through Christ. He did this so that we can do the things he created us to do.

What this means to me:
God has made me who I am and has given me a new live when I accepted Christ in my life. He can now use me to do the good things which he has already planned in advance for me to do. The reason I have value is because of what God says about me, not because of what others say.

Our culture refers often to self-esteem and how many lack it. Those in this category may not feel good about themselves. Attempts are made to combat this by trying pump themselves up by the kind of clothes they wear, the kind of car they drive, and the things they say. They’re always trying to pump themselves up to make them feel better about themselves because they really don’t accept themselves. What I’m learning is that this is actually rebellion against God.

If God wanted us to be somebody else, we wouldn't exist. The good news is that He does want me! He made me to be me. So, real self-esteem can be built from three facts:

First, God created me.
Second, Jesus died for me.
Lastly, God’s Spirit lives in me.

Today’s verse reminds me that, “We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago” (Ephesians 2:10 NLT). The New Testament was written originally in Greek and the Greek word for “masterpiece” is “poema.” It’s the word we get “poem” from. God says, “You’re my poem. You’re my masterpiece. I don’t want you copying somebody else.” Thus He has put gifts in me: heart, abilities, personality, and experiences, and He wants me to use them. I have worth because of what God says about me and has done.

I’m not just wanted; I’m needed! The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 12:4-6, “There are different spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them. There are different ways of serving, and yet the same Lord is served. There are different types of work to do, but the same God produces every gift in every person” (GW).

I’m needed in my church, my community and in this world. If I wasn't needed, God would not have made me. He didn't create me to just sit and soak and sour, rather He brought me here to make a contribution through and with my life. And likewise everybody around me is needed as well.

There are no little people in the family of God. Every part is necessary. As an example of the importance of little things, the most important light in my house is not the big light we use in the dining room. Rather, it’s the little night light that keeps me from stumbling down the stairs in the dark.

Likewise, every role is important. I’m important and I have value because God said so and because he paid such a large ransom for my life when he sent his Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for me.

Today I’ll consider what role I’m planning in my church, community and the world.  My wife and I are about to make a change to where we live and where I work.  I need to make sure that I can plug in quickly to serve and continue making a difference. Until then, I need to participate and help out as much as I can in order to make a difference.