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Friday, February 13, 2015

Peace: the Antidote To Worry

In review of Ephesians 6:15 it says, “On your feet wear the Good News of peace to help you stand strong.”

Bottom Line:
Like shoes, wear the peace that comes from the Good News and have the desire and readiness to tell it to others.

What this means to me:
There is such a great peace that comes from knowing and living the Good News. This should affect my attitude and demeanor each day. This peace and Good News should prompt me to share this with as many around me as possible. I should live with a great joy and smile on my face.

On the flip side of peace is conflict. Conflict can make me an easy target for Satan’s attacks. It doesn't matter where the conflict comes from, whether it is with God, others, or even myself. Conflict will open the door for Satan to tear me apart making me a pushover for his plans.

If I’m fighting myself, others, or God, I won’t be able to fight against what Satan is doing in the world. Its difficult to fight a multi-front war effectively. I was never meant to do so. All levels of conflict leave me flailing for support and searching for a firm footing, as if I’m being sucked into quicksand.

I believe this is why Paul urges, “On your feet wear the Good News of peace to help you stand strong” (Ephesians 6:15 NCV).

Roman soldiers had things called “hobnails” on the bottom of their shoes. These little spikes/nails helped them get a better grip with their shoes, like cleats for football players. Without them, soldiers would slip and slide in battle. They wouldn't be able to hold their ground.

Without putting on the “peace that comes from the Good News,” I too will slip and slide my way through life. Paul is writing about three different aspects of peace: with myself, with others, and with God. It’s called reconciliation, and I need it in all areas of my life. If I wake up each morning at peace with myself, God, and others, I’ll find myself on strong footing. I’ll be able to stand strong against the attacks of Satan.

What I’m learning is that Satan will try to attack my peace through worry. Worry is a common thing, as I can worry about anything (i.e. future, finances, relationships, what others think.) Worry is an indicator that some area of relational peace in my life may be out of whack in one of the three areas. It means I’m shoe-less, and not letting the peace of God’s Word take control.

A verse in Psalm 119 says, “Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them” (Psalm 119:165 NLT). This reminds me that the more I love and obey the Bible, the less I’ll be offended by what others say. The more I love God’s Word, the less I’ll be offended by what happens to me. The more I love God’s Word, the less my walk with God can be disturbed.

I need to choose to believe what God’s Word says about me, others, and, most importantly, about God himself. I need to choose to believe because when I obey God’s Word it brings me peace. I should choose to believe because Jesus did. I should choose to believe because what God’s Word says about me and the world around me is true.

When it comes to worry in my life, I’m not sure I have any major worry, but there is something that causes some anxiety. It is related to the next steps for my wife and I and our relocation for Southern to Northern California. Mostly it’s because we have no idea when it will happen. My wife and I have resolved ourselves to knowing and leaving it in God’s hands, however we are still anxious and will feel better when we better know the timing.  For now we just need to enjoy life and the peace the Good News gives us and just do what we need to do.