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Monday, December 15, 2014

Having a Regular Appointment With God

In review of Matthew 6:6 it says, “Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace.”

Bottom Line:
When you pray, find a quiet and secluded place, pray to your father in private, then you Father who sees everything will bestow His grace upon you.

What this means to me:
When I pray, I am to find a quiet and secluded place and not try to role-play, but sit there being as simple and honest as I can, and then open my life and pray to God. Then I can hear God and not the noise of my life.  As a result, God who sees all, will be able to bestow his grace on me.

One things is certain, God will not try to speak above any noise I have going on in my life. I need to get alone and quiet (“quiet time.”) Jesus says it like this in Matthew 6:6: “Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace”(MSG). I really like this translation of this verse as it gives me some specific things to keep in mind as I start my time with God. I need to get quiet. As I focus on Him, and open my conscience to his ever present presence, I can even feel the warmth of his grace surround me.

This quiet time alone with God each day, is key to hearing Him speak and to obtain what His vision is for my life. Also, I need to remember that God really wants to meet with me! So, this means, I’m not waiting on God; rather he’s waiting on me.

God made me to have a relationship with him. He wants me to spend time with him everyday. So I work on scheduling a date with him every day. God is the one who is waiting, it’s not me waiting on him. The great thing is that God is always available 24x7, there’s no waiting, no pre-scheduling time. It’s all up to me.

It can be really difficult to get alone in a quiet place today. There is some much noise constantly going on in life. Even in my house, my wife always has the TV on in the background whenever she is at home. Other than when we are sleeping, there’s very little time in when its absolutely quiet.

It is vitally important to find a time and place where it can be quiet.  For me, this is early in the morning, right after I get up and before my wife gets up.  I’ve also found that I can go to one of the rooms we have upstairs and close the door, (I’ve done this to complete certain homework assignments.)

So, in essence continuing to find time each day to be with Him should be a high priority.