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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Getting to Know My Creator

In review of 2 Corinthians 6:12-13 it says, “The smallness you feel comes from within you. Your lives aren't small, but you’re living them in a small way. I’m speaking as plainly as I can and with great affection. Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively!”

Bottom Line:
Don’t hold back your love and desire to know God, and live a small life. Rather open your hearts and mind to Him; responding with love, then you will live largely.

What this means to me:
Paul explains that there is no lack of love on his part, the smallness we feel comes from within, because it is us who have withheld our love from Him. Our lives aren't small, but rather we are living our lives in a small way. Paul speaks this as plainly as he can and with great affection. We are to open our hearts wide and live expansively.

This is time of year, where I have many important tasks to get done. Year-end conversations to have with people, classwork to finish, reports to write, holiday meals to get ready for, and gifts to buy.

But there is something much more important to focus at Christmas time. It is important to develop a personal and growing relationship with Jesus.

Here are two important reasons to get to know Jesus better:

First - Jesus made me. The Bible says, “Before anything else existed, there was Christ, with God. He has always been alive and is himself God. He created everything there is — nothing exists that he didn't make. Eternal life is in him, and this life gives light to all mankind” (John 1:1-4 TLB).

I have the opportunity to not just meet the Creator of the universe but also to meet my Creator. When we have trouble working with an electronic gadget, we often “consult the manual.” Well, knowing Jesus is even better that that. In order to get the most out of life, its better to get to know the One who created me.

Second - Jesus opens up my heart to enjoy a life of purpose, peace, and power. Having a relationship with Jesus will secure my place in Heaven, but it also promises a life of purpose, peace, and power to all who know him.

Knowing Jesus in a personal way changes everything about how I live. Purpose, power, and peace are just the beginning of what God wants to give me in this life. Unfortunately, most people are living in such a tiny, insignificant way because they've filled their lives with meaningless activity.

As Christmas approaches this year, I want to think of the innkeeper who didn't make room for Jesus on the first Christmas. His actions didn't keep Jesus from being born. His actions didn't stop God’s purpose in history. It just hurt the innkeeper. He missed the privilege of housing the Son of God at his birth.

The same is true for me. If I don’t take the time to get to know Jesus, I’ll miss the opportunity to know my Creator. I’ll miss the opportunity to have the purpose, peace, and power that only comes through God’s Son. I'll miss his purpose for my life if you never make room for him.

Today, I would like to have God’s power and peace in my life. I really need him to reveal to me my next steps. So instead of filing my time with meaningless activities I want to concentrate on getting to know my Creator better.