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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

When I’m Discouraged, Realize That The Lord Is Close

In summary of Psalm 34:18 it says, “The Lord is near to those who are discouraged; he saves those who have lost all hope.”

Bottom Line:
When you feel discouraged, The Lord is close by.  He will save those who have lost hope.

What this means to me:
God is closer than I think.  He is especially close when I’m discouraged or have some type of heartbreak.  He will save those who have lost hope.  This is very comforting, because everybody has had their heart broken in some way — maybe by disappointment, fear, shame, rejection, or ridicule. God cares about it. He’s hurt with me. While I’m weeping, He is weeping, too.  It is in my pain that God is closest to you, whether I realize it or not.  God saves us by giving us a heart transplant. God says, “For the heart that’s guilty, I’ll give you a heart that’s forgiven. For the heart that’s resentful, I’ll give you a heart that’s full of peace. For the heart that’s anxious, I’ll give you heart that’s confident. For the heart that’s lonely, I’ll give you a heart full of love. That heart that has been bitter and angry? I’ll give you a heart that is forgiving and loving and generous instead. I just need to let him do a heart transplant in me. When I do, he sets me free.  I need freedom, because I allow myself to be a slave to the expectations of other people. I’m a slave to past memories. I’m a slave to future fears. I’m a slave to current pressure. I’m a slave to the opinions of society, and on and on and on.  All I need to do is open my heart to Jesus Christ.  In summary, I will open my heart to him, and let him transplant it for his own.