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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

What to Do When It Doesn’t Make Sense

In Job 42:2-3, 6 it says, “I know that you can do anything, and no one can stop you. You asked, ‘Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorance?’ It is I—and I was talking about things I knew nothing about, things far too wonderful for me . . . I take back everything I said, and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance.” (NLT)

Instead of asking God, “Why?” I need to learn to trust God in things I don’t understand

For 37 chapters in the book of Job, Job asks the “why” questions: “Why is this happening to me? Why are you allowing this? Why so much pain? Why so much discomfort? Why haven’t you answered my prayers?” 

In chapter 38, Job stops asking, “Why?” And God says, “I have some questions for you” (Job 38:3 NLT). And for the next two chapters, God barrages Job with questions that only God can answer

He asks things like, “Where were you when I made the universe? Can you explain the law of gravity?” And, after two chapters, Job realizes that he is just a man, and his knowledge is limited. Who is he to question God

Job stops questioning, and he starts trusting. He replies to the Lord, “I know that you can do anything, and no one can stop you. You asked, ‘Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorance?’ It is I—and I was talking about things I knew nothing about, things far too wonderful for me . . . I take back everything I said, and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance” (Job 42:2-3, 6 NLT).  

So what should I do in a situation where I can’t see the whole picture, things aren’t clear, and what’s happening makes no sense?

I remind myself of the things I know about God. Even in the middle of his doubts, Job affirmed what he knew to be true about God: God is loving (Job 10:12), God is all-powerful (Job 36:22), God is in control (Job 34:13), God had a plan for Job’s life (Job 23:14), and God would protect Job (Job 5:11). 

God is passionately and intimately aware of every detail that I’m going through right now. He’s paying attention to my every breath. God doesn’t miss anything.

I may not understand why I’m going through what I’m going through, but I need to say this to God: “I know you’re good. I know you’re powerful. I know you see the details of my life. I know you’re in control and you have a plan.” Then, I need to just trust Godno matter what

Whatever I’m going through, tell God exactly how I feel. He can handle it! Then stop asking, “Why?” and start trusting God for the things I don’t understand.