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Thursday, May 25, 2023

How to Trust God in a Season of Waiting

In Micah 7:7 I read, “I trust the Lord God to save me, and I will wait for him to answer my prayer.” (CEV)

God’s Word is clear that I’ll go through different seasons in life. One season that God talks about over and over is the season of waiting.

But I can trust that while I’m waiting, God is working. A season of waiting doesn’t mean that God has stopped working. In fact, he’s taking me through that season because he’s using the time to work in my circumstances for my good.

The truth is, I’m going to spend much of my life waiting. And so, if I don’t figure out how to trust God while I’m waiting, I’ll spend a lot of life not trusting God.

God is never in a hurry; he’s eternal! And as he’s working, he wants me to learn how to trust in him as I wait

However, I ask, “When, Lord? When is it going to happen?” And God’s saying something like, “You can trust me with this.”

It’s in our culture and nature to say, “Don’t wait! Get things as quickly as you can.” But it goes against God’s blessing for my life—because God’s blessing comes through times of waiting. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, “[God] has set the right time for everything. He has given us the desire to know the future, but never gives us the satisfaction of fully understanding what he does.” (GNT).

I need to consider the time I'm waiting for something right now. And my frustration with how slowly things are happening. 

There’s a promise in God’s Word that not only tells me God is working but also how God is working. I need to claim it while I’m in my time of waiting: “I am the Lord, and when it is time, I will make these things happen quickly” (Isaiah 60:22 NCV).

That’s how God worked when he sent Jesus into this world. The world waited thousands of years for him to come the first time. And then he came at just the right moment.

We’ve been waiting 2,000 years now for Jesus to come again. When will that happen? As God says, it will be at just the right timeHis time. That’s when he’s going to return.

I can apply this same truth to my time of waiting. Remember that a delay is not a denial. When I think God is saying, “No,” he may just be saying, “Not yet. Will you keep trusting me through this?”

Micah 7:7 says, “I trust the Lord God to save me, and I will wait for him to answer my prayer” (CEV).

This is the kind of faith that God blesses.