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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

I Love Because God Loves Me

In review of 1 John 4:19 it says, “We love because he first loved us” (NIV).

Today’s verse is from the last part of 1 John 4. Simply it states, we love because God first loved us.

What I’ve learned is that God's love is the source of all human love, and it spreads like fire. In loving me, It should kindle a flame in my heart. In turn, I can love others, and become warmed by God's love through me.

One reason God wants me to love is because he is love, and he created me to be like him, to love. The only reason I’m able to love is because God loves me: “Love comes from God . . . because God is love” (1 John 4:7-8 NIV).

I was created in God’s image to do two things on Earth: First to learn to love God and secondly to learn to love others. God intended my life to be all about love.

But love all started with God. He loved me first, and that gives me the ability to love others (1 John 4:19). The only reason I can love God or love anybody else is because God first loved me. He showed that love by creating me. He showed that love by everything I have in life; it’s all a gift of God’s love. And he showed that love by sending Jesus Christ to Earth to die for me.

In order to love others well, I first need to understand and experience how much God loves me. I shouldn’t just want to talk about love, read about love, or discuss love; I need to encounter the love of God.

I need to reach a place when I truly understand how God loves me completely and unconditionally. I need to become secure in the truth that I cannot make God stop loving me.

Once I’m secure inside God’s unconditional love, I’ll start cutting people a lot more slack. I won’t be as angry as I’ve been. I’ll be more patient, more forgiving, and more merciful. I’ll give others grace.

Today I need to remind myself how much God loves me, and let him heal my heart so that his love can flow freely through me. It’s impossible to love others until I really feel loved myself.

Bottom Line:
We love because he first loved us.

What this means to me:
My love for him and for others comes as a result of his loving me first.

In summary, I love because God first loved me. God's love is the source of all love. His love for me should kindle my heart and in turn I can love others. I was created to do two things, learn to love God and to learn to love others. God intended my life to be all about love.

God wants me to refuel my love when I feel empty by spending time with him and his Word. It’s a reminder to me that he cares so much and wants to use me to show love, compassion and help to others. This morning Father, I thank you for this reminder. I ask that you help shape my perspective in what I do to be loving and of a help / assistance to others. I also pray for your wisdom and guidance in how I organize and complete the tasks in front of me, how I lead my team and how I interact with others. This I pray through your Son Jesus name, amen!