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Monday, December 17, 2018

Learn To Be an Encourager at Work

In review of 1 Thessalonians 5:11 it says, “Encourage one another and build each other up” (NIV).

1 Thessalonians 5:9-11
God choose to save me through the Lord Jesus Christ, not to pour out his anger on me. Christ died for me so that, whether I was dead or alive when he returned, I could live with him forever. So encourage each other and build each other up daily.

If I was near the end of a long race, I’m certain that my legs would ache, my throat would burn, and my whole body would cry out for me to stop. This is when friends and family are most valuable. Their encouragement helps me push through the pain to the finish line. In the same way, Christians are to encourage one another. A word of encouragement offered at the right moment can be the difference between finishing well and collapsing along the way. Look around. Be sensitive to others' need for encouragement, and offer supportive words or actions.

If you want to stand out at work, one trait will put me head and shoulders above everybody else: Is to be an encourager. When you are known for being an encourager at work you’ll be at the top of the class, because encouragement is so difficult to find today.

I live in a deeply negative culture, where put-downs seem to be favorite form of humor. People are constantly demeaned and degraded. They’re criticized and maligned. When somebody comes along and says, “Good job!” it makes a tremendous difference.

Unfortunately, in most workplaces, the message comes through loud and clear that people really don’t matter to the company or the cause. All that matters is their work. The only thing they’re valued for at that job is what they produce.

God calls me to communicate the exact opposite. He didn’t just create those people I work with—he died for them! That’s how much they matter. When I affirm the people I work with—even the ones I may disagree with or don’t get along with or who just absolutely drive me crazy—I am telling them, “They matter to God, and to me.”

Here are three practical ways to affirm others:

Listen to them. The Bible says, “Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2 NLT). One of the greatest gifts I can give people is an attentive ear. When I listen, I’m saying, “You matter. I value what you have to say. I value who you are.” Every time I genuinely listen to people at work, I’m ministering to them.

Use positive words. Ephesians 4:29 says, “Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them” (NLT). God wants me, as a  believer, to be a people builder, not a people user. Most of the world is filled with people users. But when you speak positive words of encouragement to people and I build them up, I’m ministering.

Pray for them. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 1:11, “You are helping us by praying for us” (NLT). Make a prayer list of the people I work with. Put it in my Bible, pray regularly for them, and watch what happens. It’s difficult to pray for people and not see them start to change! I’m  encouraged to mention that I’m praying for them and ask how else I can pray for them. Even unbelievers appreciate people praying for them. Every time I do this, I’m building a bridge through which I can minister to people.

Bottom Line:
Encourage and build each other up.

What this means to me:
I need to encourage and help build others up, just as I would want to be encouraged.

In summary, I need to encourage and build others up daily. Encouragement helps me push through what I'm up against. So encourage others. Encouragement offered at the right moment can be the difference between finishing well and collapsing along the way. To Stand out, be an encourager. Practical ways to affirm others: 1). Listen, 2). Use positive words, and 3). Pray for them

Today Father I pray that you help me to find ways to encourage those I work with. Help me to listen, be and use positive words and to pray for them. Father I also ask for your wisdom and guidance in my work, how I lead and and how I interact with others. Help me discern and to accomplish what’s most important. It's through your son Jesus name I pray, amen!